Cedar Point mentioned in major hollywood movie!!

JuggaLotus's avatar

Its actually a song by Prozak featuring King Gordy and Bizarre.

Link *WARNING* This song does carry a Parental Advsory label.

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


ChrisC.'s avatar

WOW! This is amazing! WOW!

tedfuzz's avatar

I was just about to link to those lyrics on another site, but it appears you found them. Damn, that is pretty messed up. Who listens to this stuff?

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

JuggaLotus's avatar

You know, its interesting.

You make a horror movie, (just look at Hostel) and no one has a problem with it.

But you take the same concept and apply it to music, and everyone thinks its "weird" or "wrong".

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Similar "logic" also applies to the horrendous double standard regarding sex and violence. Take your example, Hostel, which is rated "R", which consists of extremely brutal violence. Compare that to any number of films containing completely non-violent and/or humorous instances of sex, which often struggle to obtain the same rating. Kevin Smith's upcoming Zack and Miri Make a Porno is a perfect example of that completely whacked "logic".

And what's worse is that the moronic public simply parrots that very logic, without questioning it, as is the case here.

Last edited by djDaemon,

cedarpointlover said:
Harold and Kumar is a New Line Cinema title, a subsidiary of Warner Brothers. Warner Brothers is a "Big Six" studio, so that pretty much solidifies the movie as major.

From the corporate world dictionary:

Subsidiary: A company that produces ideas or products that are deemed profitable for the parent company, but are not of a suitable quality to be directly linked to the parent company. :)


djDaemon's avatar

Give it up already. Its a major picture, and your (or anyone else's, for that matter) opinion of the movie has no relevance on that. Especially so, seeing as how you're dogging the flick without having seen it, apparently.

Calm down dude...did you not see the :) at the end?


Josh M.'s avatar

John, although I do understand your description of the double standard that some people do have, I think there is a difference. I have no desire to see a movie that's sole purpose is violence and killing with no plot outside of that. Now, if violence is part of the plot of a movie, I have no problem with that...

What bothers me with songs like the one currently being discussed is (in my opinion) the lack of any real content other than the violent lyrics... I guess I just don't understand why a song would be written to simply shock/disgust people with no other apparent purpose. If I am missing a message in this song, please let me know... Heaven knows I'm not perfect.

To be fair, there are songs by artists like Eminem, Marilyn Manson, and others who are typically known as "shock" artists that actually do have a point to me, and seem to have more to them than just violence and vulgarity. Songs like Eminem's "Yellow Brick Road", which talks about his journey from childhood to stardom, is a good example...Think of the lyrics of the Prozak song put into the context of a movie... Would you want to see it? I know I wouldn't...

Don't get me wrong... I used to be a huge fan of this stuff... along with ICP, Cannibal Corpse, and other groups similar to this... I still own the D12 albums, as well as most of Eminem's stuff, but I don't listen to them much anymore. I guess I just got to the point where I felt like there was nothing positive coming out of the music, and so I stopped. If you still choose to listen to it, that is your choice, and I have no problem with it whatsoever... I do, however, have a problem being called a "simple-minded moron" for having a strong opinion about something...

I don't know how much longer this thread will stay open since the discussion is quite a ways off from CP related, so I think I will end my ranting here ;)

Last edited by Josh M.,

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - and just like movies (where some are made just for their shock value) there are songs just the same.

And there is no trying to explain why someone does or doesn't like a particular style of music. Either you like it or you don't, and being on one side or the other doesn't make you better or worse than the other side. So, I'd never call someone a "simple-minded moron", unless of course, their opinion was that I'm stupid for liking something that I like (which you haven't done, so you're not in that group).

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

I'm a jerk, so I can say that. :)

Josh - apologies if my statement hurt your feelings. It wasn't my intent. I simply find it irritating when people are dismissive of things they dislike, and it seemed that you were.

As for rap music... you have to realize that the lyrics themselves are often secondary. The way the lyrics are "spoken", or enunciated, however, is more instrumental in nature as compared to many other genres. That's why some people (simple-minded morons, as *ahem* some would call them) are so dismissive of said lyrics - they focus on the words, as opposed to the enunciation of the words, and how that relates to the musical or instrumental aspect of the song. As it turns out, some are simply more talented than others at incorporating both the meaning and the enunciation of the words into the piece.

Josh M.'s avatar

Hmmm... When a song comes on the radio that I don't like, I dismiss it by changing the channel... So I suppose I am dismissive of things I dislike... but like John said... I don't put down people who enjoy whatever genre of music it may be. I was in a grumpy mood at work this morning, and that may have made my initial statement come out more harshly than I would have liked...

But your little comment about "simple-minded morons" lit the fire a bit more :)

No hard feelings though... the fact remains that we are all CP fans... and that is the bond that joins us all together ;)

Now excuse me while I go listen to some Weezer...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

JuggaLotus's avatar

Oooh, I haven't listened to them since the Blue album. They never seemed quite as good after that. But I think that same way about a lot of bands, they were always best before they got MTVized.

Goodbye MrScott


Josh M.'s avatar

True, the Blue Album was their best, but if you can get past the fact that their other albums each have their own character and style, they each have some great stuff in them... including the new Red Album.

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Jeff's avatar

Lyrics that indicate what a bad ass you are don't take any talent to write. It's brought the genre to a low that, frankly, dishonors the artists who were clever and innovative when it was invented.

Even a silly violent movie is the collaborative work of hundreds of people to get an image on the screen. I'm not saying that's quality cinema, but there are at least people who are masters at their craft involved. A lot of rap these days doesn't master anything, but rather it emulates other guys trying to be a bigger thug. Please.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

I haven't seen the new Harold and Kumar movie, but I thought the first one was really good. Even though I'm not into 'stoner' movies, dude.

Anyway, I remember a television show called Homefront. It was about a family living in Ohio during World War II. A man was talking to his boss about his wedding and he said something about taking their honeymoon at Cedar Point.

Thought I'd share my thoughts.


After reading through the lyrics of the Prozak song, I can see why some people would immediately dismiss it as "stupid." However, people need to look at the title of the song, and the chorus, among other things to see that they're rapping about the public perception and supposed mindset of a so-called "psycho." Obviously, the rappers are not condoning stabbing kids at Cedar Point, but some people aren't gonna see it that way and simply label the song violent and stupid for no *true* reason.

As for what Jeff said about rapping about being a badass not requiring any talent: I agree, unless you're doing it without writing it down first (see Lil' Wayne and Jay-Z).

Hail to the Victors

djDaemon's avatar

Of course, because a major rap album takes only 2 or 3 "thugs" to produce. Please indeed.

e x i t english's avatar

^ True. If you want to bring real music mastery, and some would argue cinematic mastery, to the table, the choice is obvious.

I don't know what it is about music videos these days, but this one is just so awesome:


djDaemon's avatar

Nice try, but plugging the address into Google first has become common practice for me these days. :)

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