Cedar Point Lovers

OK, I'm the one that created the web site Cedar Point Lovers! I don't like the entry that was typed in my guestbook, and stated "this site sucked ****" I don't want to be mean, but number one, I'm only 14 years old, and I don't have much Web Site experiance. Number two, I'm using a cheap website creator, what do you expect? I dident expect it to be a hit or better than GTTP, but I dident expect it to be trashed by people much older (not to mention mature) than me. Number three, I'm just a Cedar Point fan trying to get more involved, and I just want to be cool with everybody here! Arent you supposed to be a big bunch of CP fans/friends??? I guess I was wrong. Again, I'm not critisizing anyone, or being mean, I just wanted to state that I am dissapointed in the fact that I was so excited about my first website, and so crushed after I saw that statement after working so hard!
How do you know it wasn't a teenager that said that?

I'd assume a teen would be the only one dumb enough to do something like that--don't be mad fellow teens, I'm 16. It also could have been someone that doesn't like Cedar Point. That's somewhat unlikely since they wouldn't even bother going there in the first place.

It's a real pity that someone would do that to another's work.
And I really thank you for taking my side CP bound, and I dident just accuse everyone from Guide To The Point, because my site is in different directories that other people can get to. However, at this point I must put the blame on a GTTP member, because it also said Power Tower Blaster is a poser. PTBlaster is my GTTP screen name. The only person that could have done it was a member! Again sorry for getting angry, but it really bothered me.

I wrote "Interesting..." because I thought it was a neat site that had some potential. I is a shame that someone would do that.

Good luck with the site.

I started out just like you. I made a small website dedicated to Cedar Point. What I received was bad and rude comments in my guestbook saying my site was a "horrible piece of s***." It didn't make me too happy either.

First off, if you really want a Cedar Point website, you have to dedicate a lot of time. I'm 15, and I found a great partner to build a site, who's 16. And even with 2 people, it took us about 5 months to build our site.

Second, get some good web making software, get a good host, and start building! If it's good enough, you'll get a lot of visitors and great feedback!

Don't get too mad and angry over what people say. It takes a ton of time and effort needed to build a website. Stay into web designing and don't give up!

~Eric L.~
Coming back soon!
Thanks Intamin2K, it helps to be recognized!
You too eric
What's the address for it? *** This post was edited by force312 on 4/21/2001. ***
thats too bad

Kevin's Cedar Po!nt Page
Jeff's avatar
It comes with the territory. People have used most every four-letter word to describe this site and CoasterBuzz. I've been called a fat, portly and obese (interesting because I'm none of these), an egomaniac with no life, immoral, stupid, etc.

You just gotta ignore it and move on.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Futuristic bow-wow... do the dog catcher!
Keep in mind...
Those that can't CRITICIZE those that can.

I could go into a long winded post about where would we be if Orville & Wilbur gave up after their first attempt but you know the story.

Is it just me or are we ALL in need of a serious coaster fix?
Hey Power Tower Blaster!!! your website is cool!!! don't worry about whoever said that they just got some problems!!!! u rule!! bye!

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