Cedar Point... Longest line award???

Yes that's right. Right off the Cleveland news, Cedar Point in Sandusy Ohio was rated worst in a survey of amusement park lines. Now I know they are not nearly as bad as Disney Worlds but some people don't. Friends and family have been saying to me "Did you hear Cedar Point has the longest lines in the world?" Now that is not good word of mouth advertising... That could hurt
Who else was surveyed for this? Was it biast by comparing them to some small parks? EASY CP Bound ...

*** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 8/6/2001. ***

I thought the DMV had the longest lines in the world...

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

For complete details visit coasterbuzz.com. The "study" was done for a story in the Wall Street Journal which took a look at "how many rides can we ride in a given time period.

It is a shame that it is that slow of a news day the Cleveland station (wews channel 5) picks up a story from LAST Friday.

You will also notice they rode such rides as Millennium Force, Raptor, and Mantis. Easily the longest lines in the park. CP just has so much publicity that they are going to have MANY riders.
MF Laps: 2
Raptor Laps: 3
Magnum Laps: 2
Power Tower Launches: 1
Power Tower Drops: 1
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Crystal..your mistaken the DMV with the Season Pass Line...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!


I would link to the article in the WSJ also, but you have to be a subscriber to even get into the articles, and I read it at work.


Isn't Disney World a people trap run by a mouse?

MF 2K1: 4
MF life: 12

And yet we always get the "Best Capacity award"! Face it people, Cedar Point is just popular!
They said a 14min wait for every minute of the ride but if you think about it, Millenium Force is 2minutes so does that mean a 28 minute wait in line? Thatd be GREAT!
Did you ever think that if CP has the longest lines, they really don't have to worry about "bad word of mouth advertising"? Looks like they don't have a problem getting people in the park to me.

*** This post was edited by richie on 8/7/2001. ***

At other parks there are not 14 roller coasters, so therefore guests are forced to ride other rides such as flat rides and water rides, whereas at Cedar Point there are 14 roller coasters so no one wants to ride the flat rides and water rides. Thus causing large crowds for the coasters which equals longer waiting times. Cedar Point may have been voted best capacity for fastest moving lines, but they were not voted best capacity for shortest waits. They may move faster but there are more people in the line.
Oh come on, Old Timer Tim, can't I express my opinions for the media...no matter how strongly I feel...;) J/K, sorry about that.
Just got back for the Point. Went to the park yesterday, did Soak City today. Long lines for just about every thing. MF was a 1H45MIN wait which isn't all that bad, nor is it good. As for coasters only having the long lines, Soak City had very long lines but that could be because of the slides themselves. Just can't move too many people on them. Their bar on the other hand kept everyone feeling fine rather quickly ;) The wave pool leaves much to be desired. I have never heard so many wistles. I have been to a few different wave pools and CP over-regulates their's way too much.

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