The year isn't 2002 its 1969! My dad goes around to garage sales looking for old CP stuff for me and once in a while he finds some pretty neat stuff. Last week he was at an estate sale and he found bags of old news papers. He grabbed a few of them and bought them for 50 cents each. Inside the bag he gave me were papers from the Cleveland Press ( an old newspaper from the Cleveland area that is no longer in existence) All of the papers in this bag were about the first man landing on the moon. I started to flip through the papers and I found an editorial on how Euclid Beach Park was rumored to be closing to make way for apartments. The person who wrote the letter was from Shaker Hts., and he was complaining because even though he loved Cedar Point he thought that the east side of Cleveland should have an amusement park that is just as good as CP. (its a shame the people from the east side, myself included, don't have a great amusement park and now I live 10mins from SFWOA) He proposed that George Roose and Emile Legros turnaround Euclid Beach park just like they did with CP.
In another section of the Cleveland Press I found another mention of Cedar Point. It was in a column where people could write in questions to the paper and the paper would print the questions, along with who it came from and the answers to their questions. One question was how tall is the slide at Cedar Point? The person was refering to the Sky Slide and the answer they gave was 35ft tall. Then they had a cartoon sketch of the ride with two people going down it and the Jet Star in the background. It was pretty interesting to see all of this stuff in the pape and hopefully I can find some more!
Dan Haverlock
How do you own disorder?