Cedar Point History 101 -- Quiz 4

OK. you might all think my questions are easy but we will see...

1. What was the food stand "Sagebrush Sue's" before it became a food stand?

2. (not really history) What was left out of Camp Snoopy when it was built but is shown on the Fun Guide maps?

3. What year did the wave pool in Soak City get installed and how much water does it hold?

4. (for employees and people in the know) What is the biggest food stand rivalry between the front and the back of the park, why and what year did the "Food Wars" start? note... Coasters doesnt count because its new

5. What football star worked on the Cedar Point Beach in 1913?

6. What year did FrontierTown open and the first live stage show debut?

7. What roller coaster is pictured coming out of the doors of Lusty Lil's Palace Theater in a picture on the wall in the Food Services office?

8. What year did the "modern midway" open at Cedar Point?

9. What was the name of CP's first hotel and what year did it open?

10. What is the actual color scheme of the Magnum XL-200?

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Jeff's avatar
I knew Dave would dazzle us with food questions... ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Pete's avatar
Hey, some of these are hard questions! I wouldn't have a chance with CP History 201-401! Anyway, here are some answers just of the top of my head:

1) Was it a sketch your portrait stand?
2) A playground.
3) 1997 and holds 750,000 gal.
5) Knute Rockne
6) 1967
10) Orange and silver.

*** This post was edit by Pete on 12/2/99. ***
#7. The Gemini, and former Area Manager Dave Stambol is in the picture!!!

well you got #2, #3, #5 and #10.
You are close on #8....

Tim..... Good call. I dont know any of the people in the pic. Most of the time we stand there trying to figure out how they did it.

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http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/3997 *** This post was edit by cheeseonastick on 12/2/99. ***

Any other guesses? I will post the answers Sunday afternoon
Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage
One last chance to post any answers you might have before I reveal them this afternoon.

Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage
The one about the food stands would be 1998 and Stockade vs. Corral. And #7 is the Gemini. and #1 would be that it was a bathroom. *** This post was edit by Nashimire on 12/5/99. ***

ok here are the answers

1. Yes Sagebrush Sue's used to be a BATHROOM
2. A playland
3. 1997 and 500,000 gallons
4. Stockade vs Corral, 1998, because Stockade's sup talked stuff on Corral
5. Knute Rockne
6. 1968
7. Gemini
8. 1906
9. The Bay Shore Hotel, 1899
10. orange and silver
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