Cedar Point History 101 - 2000 Events

Ok, you've been asking for it, and now it's back!! Time to brush up on your CP knowledge!! So grab your #2 pencil, this is an open book quiz. Your test scores will be finalized after many recounts, and the supreme court's final ruling.

1. On what day was the first coach sent over the 310 foot hill of Millennium Force? (10 point bonus if you can name the exact time)

2. Name the organization that determined whether or not to license Millennium Force for operation?

3. How many concrete footers hold Millennium Force in Place?
a. 208
b. 572
c. 226
d. 310

4. How heavy is just one of the MF trains?
a. 22 tons
b. 19 tons
d. 17 tons
e. 12 tons

5. According to a recent interview, Dick Kinzel said his company is “ahead of the curve” by how many years?
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 5 years
d. 7 years

6. Name all of the attractions at Cedar Point designed by Ron Toomer.

7. “Maggie” recently took up residence in one of the tunnels on Magnum XL-200, who or what is she?
a. a squirrel
b. seagull
c. sand piper
d. a giant midge

8. Name the 5 most popular rides of the 2000 season, and the number of rides each has given.

9. Recently, a Cedar Point employee was featured on a TLC special. Name him, his job title, and what aspect of his life was featured, and on what show.

10. Our humble webmaster made a significant achievement this year, what did he do?
a. His MF count totaled 310 laps.
b. Received the Applause Award for this site.
c. Successfully navigated his way around Pittsburgh.
d. Got hitched.

Pencils down, please turn in your answer books!
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :) *** This post was edited by Seven-of-9 on 11/21/2000. ***
#7 B
#10 D
Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
*** This post was edited by Magnum 1989- on 11/23/2000. ***
I can guarantee you that the answer to #10 is not D. I was on that "excursion" with Jeff, and the answer is C, but it almost turned out to be D ;)

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:67
Question number 7 is totally unacceptable becuase Maggie is one of the nicknames for Magnum!

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117
You are forgetting Dan?

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count: 14 :)
2. Something with agriculture in it.

3. b

4. b

5. b

7. b (see a pattern?)

10 C-an achievement that is worthy of boasting about lol

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
Jeff's avatar
10 depends on if you count "this year" as the coaster season or the calendar year. Granted, didn't PKI close the weekend of my wedding?

Yes, Neil, I think I was successful at navigating that nutty city of yours (with your directions, of course). Just don't drink heavily the night before hand so that you get the ****s while trying to get into the damn parking lot, only to side track to the McDonalds and leave a nasty surprise for the cleaning people...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Is #4 laden or unladen? =)
Don't worry about that, Jeff, that McDonald's is classic. Going there beforehand is a local tradition, no matter what the situation is.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.

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