Cedar Point History -- 201

1. We all know the names of the 4 dolphins at Oceana (Stryker, CoCo, Misty and Breeze). What was the original name given to Breeze?

2. What was the name of the penguin born at Oceana Aquarium around 1983? *** This post was edit by OceanaForever on 12/3/99. ***
If I sleep with who asked this question, can I still give the answers?

I can STILL handle my beer better than Jeff!
Not if you want to continue to sleep with that person!
Been there. Done that. Bought the t-shirt!!

I can handle my beer better than Jeff!
Heck with the T-shirt, diamonds are a girl's best friend!
Question #1 BREEZEY! Shorten to Breeze for most of the shows!

Question #2 Admiral Bird. If you ever saw the peguin exhibit Admiral Bird was the one peguin always by himself, the other penguins left him alone.

I can handle my beer better than Jeff!

Closed topic.

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