Cedar Point Cyclone

What elements did this coaster feature? Did it have a curving drop? Or was it more along the lines of the Coney Island Cyclone? If we were to see a remake of this coaster for the rumored "Boardwalk Project", what would we see? Also... who designed/built the CPC?
Think a cross between the CI Cyclone and the Crystal Beach Cyclone. Harry Traver was the builder of the CPC.
Yeah, but what elements were where? Did it have "trick Track" or anything like that?
I watched a historic show on CP and it said that people would lose teeth, wigs, glasses, etc. on the ride. It started with a hill and had a weird curving turn up and then it would drop back down turning. I can't really spell it but it might be on again. Then again i watched this last year.
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