IMPORTANT - DO NOT POST ANSWERS HERE. INSTEAD, E-MAIL THEM TO ME AT DBCAHILL@DEJAZZD.COM You might want to read this entire post before answering the questions.
For each of the items below, your objective is to give an answer which is both correct and will be duplicated by as many other people as possible. The highest score wins. You get one point for every person who answers the same as you do (kind of like Match Game)
1. Give the name of any of the engines on the CP&LE RR.
2. To the nearest thousand, estimate how many thousand guests attend Cedar Point on an average Saturday in July.
3. Name any Cedar Point attraction that opened between 1978 and 1988 (inclusive).
4. Give the name of any celebrity who has been (or has rumored to have been) seen at Cedar Point.
5. Name any Cedar Point ride on which the vehicle travels predominantly in or on the water.
6. Other than the Michael Jordan movie, name any movie that has been featured at the Cedar Point Cinema.
7. Give the name of any of the Cedar Point Midways.
8. Name any place at Cedar Point that has skee-ball machines.
9. Give the name of any Cedar Point roller coaster where on-ride photos are NOT available for purchase.
10. Other than Dick Kinzel, name any member of the Cedar Point management staff.
For each of the items above, your goal is to give the most common response to the question.
Your score on each question is equal to the number of people who give that answer. If you skip a question or leave it blank, you will score 1 for that question. Your total score is the product of your scores on each question. Your object is to get as high a score as possible.
NO ANSWERS WILL BE JUDGED INCORRECT. As moderator, I will need to decide if two answers are the same, but I will not check the answers for correctness. The object is to get the most common answer, which is not necessarily the most common correct answer. A general class and a specific member of that class will be treated as distinct answers. ("Ford" and "Thunderbird" would be considered distinct answers.)
For example, suppose I ask for a color on the current Cedar Point logo. 20 people say green, 9 say lime, 8 say blue, 5 say red, 4 say orange, 3 say Snoopy, and 1 says dog. The scores are then simply green/lime=29 (as I've decided that they are the same answer), blue=8, red=5, orange=4, Snoopy=3, and dog=1. I ignore the fact that orange is not on the current Cedar Point logo, that Snoopy and dog are not colors, and that a Snoopy is a specific instance of the class dog.
For my convenience, please do not quote this message when responding.
Your message should contain the 10 answers, numbered 1 to 10, and your GTTP screen name. Comments, explanatory notes, explanations of strategy, and suggestions for questions for future contests are all welcome, but please place them after your 10 answers, and make sure that they are clearly marked so as to not be confused with your answers. Clarifications will generally not be given during the contest. Multiple entries are not allowed. Please do not post any discussion of the questions to GTTP or collaborate with other contestants in your entries.
This contest will end Thursday, October 4 at 1:00 PM.
Have fun!
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 58
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)
"I dont think I can take anymore. I am going to phone my family, read some comics and hopefully dream about the Authority being real and sorting this mess out. Naive? Sure, but I have dont have any other ideas right now."
Slithernoggin, JeffreySpartan, RideOfSteel, Gemini, RCRed, Joe E, Loriu, Force312, Joseph Phillips, BeemanCP65, eric, Patrick Schulz, George q es, JaredB12, Intamin2K, VertiGo535 and Julia.
If you sent an entry and you're not on this list, I didn't receive it.
Duane Cahill
Cedar Point - One small part of a whole big life.
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