Cd Players on rides?

I was just wondering if you were allowed to bring CD players in one of those holder things on the roller coasters and if so wich ones? I really need to know because I'm going to CP next week and want to bring my cd player on the roller coasters



Don't even try it unless you want thrown out.

"Wheres the Callahan factory?!?!?"

cp&le rr guy's avatar
Thats what the lockers are for. TO HOLD the CD player while you RIDE the ROLLER COASTERS!
Why bring a cd player into the park? Don't want to talk to anyone?
CD players fall into the same catagory as cameras, they have a potential to hurt someone.

Beer and golf Thursday thru Monday, Cedar Point & beer, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Well many items have a potential to hurt people like bringing a Dragster bottle on Magnum. It shouldn't be a problem to bring on many rides, especially if you use ear plug type headphones because then it will probably fit easily into your pocket. I don't think that is against the rules.
If a guest has them on Corkscrew it falls under loose articles: left with a non-rider, secured in a cargo pocket or fanny pack, or left in a locker.

2003 Super Screw Crew

If it is secured you can ride with one; however, a ride host will ask you to remove the headphones while listening to the safety spiels.

Kara (car-uh)
Super/'Screw Crew '03
Races for the Sky: 18.5

ok so can I ride them with the cd player in as cd belt?
Finally, a response from someone who has actually read the rules!

(I'll bet Kara also knows what three specific items may not be taken on the ride but, unlike everything else, may be left behind on the ride platform...)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Prosthetic leg?

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill.

Canes and Umbrellas are two of them...
If you can secure the CD player in a zipped or button cargo pocket or a fanny pack and tie your headphones to something like a belt loop then you will probably be allowed to listen and ride. You will be required to listen to all speils though. Also be careful about restraints side walls armrests... anything that might cause damage to the CP player. It would likely lessen the impacts on rides such as Magnum, but the CP player won't last long. :)

Eddy the retard is awesome.

I think you'd have better luck with an MP3 player. The stand-alone players are quite compact to stow easily, hold a lot more music, longer run-time on batteries and basically do not skip. I could see a CD player definately skipping on any ride no matter how good the shock protection is.


If it's a hard drive-based MP3 player (iPod, Creative Nomad Jukebox variants, Archos Jukebox, etc.) I'd be VERY careful to power it off while actually on ride. Head crashes are not a good thing.

My Home
MF count: 60 TDD: 5

bholcomb's avatar
I'm glad I'm not the most anti-social person in the world. Why would you want to lug a CD player and CD's around Cedar Point all day anyway? It'd just be more of a pain than its worth. I mean, securingeverything for every ride, carrying the extra weight (albeit not much) around, etc. Seems easier just to leave the CD player in the car.
I dont want to offend anyone here, but why would someone take a cd player to an amusement park and listen to it and listen to it on rides?? The only times i listen to mine is in the car on the way to one, then i leave it locked in the car, cause someone could steal it during the day. Plus it could get destroyed and no more cd player. IMO, I wouldn't bring it into the park. One less thing to worry about.

MF= 56 rides
2002 MF crew, Cad Car crew, and Mean Streak crew
*** This post was edited by Amy Pace 9/30/2003 4:35:44 PM ***

Umbrellas, canes and crutches may be held on the platform while guests ride as these are considered to be essential items for the guest. Backpacks the size of small children are not essential to the day of a guest however....

Formerly the imbecile known as ddogg
2003 Super Screw Crew
*** This post was edited by Drew 10/1/2003 12:41:53 PM ***

My advice:

listen to the cd player at home, not at Cedar Point.

otherwise, stay home.
Werewolf Canyon: it's a lot like shopping for a christmas tree. Only, with werewolves.

I take it Corkscrew is in...what's it called? Area 2? Anyway, it's considered in with the "back of the park." I remember last season one day I was carrying an umbrella. In the front of the park, only the Blue Streak crew knew the Official Policy (in fact, I was forced to take my umbrella with me on Iron Dragon, in a clear VIOLATION of park policy!). In the back of the park, every coaster crew handled it beautifully.

I also learned why umbrellas are included with canes and crutches even though they may not be 'essential' for the rider's off-ride mobility: an average-size non-compact umbrella will not fit into any locker at Cedar Point. When I couldn't get into the Millennium Force queue with it (I'd have just stashed it at unload as I walked by and collected it when I got back...) I tried both the "normal" and "large" lockers and it wouldn't fit into either.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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