Hi..ok im sorry this is off topic but are CCI woodies good? My homepark is getting one for the 2001 year..im just hoping its really good cause we need it..thanks
What park are you in?
Judging from Mitch Hawker's 1999 Internet poll, yes. 7 of the top 10 positions were CCIs. The others were the Great Escape Comet [nee Crystal Beach, nee Traver's Cyclone], Knoebel's Phoenix, and the CICyclone-inspired Georgia Cyclone.
So, yes.
Its Waldameer Park in Erie,Pa...i mean its not a bad park...its just not big...right now we have new steel kiddie coaster and a junior woodie..that was built in 1951..but next year they are building what is called the Ravine Flyer 2..its gonna be cool..since the park is on a cliff..the coaster is gonna drop 110ft down the cliff and across a major road..i just cant wait..sorry again for going off topic..but i just wanted to know how good CCI is..thanks
CCI's rock! CP needs one BAD. Shivering Timbers = woodie perfection IMO.
I have only ridden one CCI, The Villain at SFO, and it is my # 1 woody.
Why do we need another out-and-back thas what shivering timbers is
Shivering Timbers is an outstanding ride and obviously The Blue Streak doesn't even compare as an out and back IMO. However, I think CP needs a wooden coaster probebly a twister type. If CCI could develop a twister type coaster putting the same thought into it that they did on ST I think it would be an outstanding ride!
Sorry to be an acronym illiterate, but what's a CCI coaster and how is it different than another type of wooden coaster? :)
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Custom Coasters International
You mean kind of like Tonnerre de Zeus [France] or Tremors [Idaho]?
A coaster like Tonnerre de Zeus would be great. I have not gone on this ride but I have heard nothing but good things about it. However, I wouldn't like to see a clone of another existing coaster. I would like to see CCI develop a wooden twister using the footprint of the old CP Cyclone (except larger). It would have a nostalgic feel to it and would fit right in with the Boardwalk project. Cedar Point could advertise it as the return of the Cyclone, one of the most terrifying coasters ever built. That would be cool in my opinion and would peak the interest of the GP also.
Like Viper at Six Flags. How about the Cedar Point Cedar Streak Cyclone?? Hey just s suggestion.
Raptor '00 Count: 40
do something like the Great White on the Jersey shore...that's a great boardwalk-sized coaster
The Great White is terrific! I rode it five times straight, and i loved it!