Does any one know if you can rent Cb's { walky talkys} at the point? Because I saw a lot of people with cb the last time I went to the park. If so how much do they cost to rent?
matthew c.
i dont know if you can rent them, but let me say this......they are soooooo much fun at the point. they also come in very handy. every channel is busy, so you can talk to complete strangers which makes for some great pranks. one of my personal favorites is acting like a trucker getting lost on the highway. they also help time pass in line. and the pretty gals, they just love them. i am only 14, but girls 18-20 were asking if they could try it out. god bless radios.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
You can rent pagers at the front gate, but I don't think that CBs are available. It would be really fun to bring them though!
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Oh I want some Cb radios !
I don't know how much they cost, but I know there's a deposit that you get back.
Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew