
does anyone know what i can expect at coastermania this year?this is my first year going to coastermania.
This is my 1st year too. IMO don't expect any ERT-extended ride time. Only expect to get an early head start on WAITING in line. You know Coastermania is going to be packed since the opening of MF. And expect the queue for MF to also be PACKED all day and night long. Expect line jumping and smoking in line to be above average also. It's been that way already ;) I'm just glad the park is open for another day and I'll probably get to ride MF at least 1 time.
Gooober and I will see you there:)
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :) *** This post was edited by Scooter on 5/18/2000. ***
I don't expect there too much line jumping. All of the people that go to Coastermania are coaster nuts, and most (I would hope) have respect for the rules.
This is my first year too. Bryan, if you expect to ride MF 5 times, you probably won't get to ride much else.
Hey My class is visiting Cedar Point during Coastermania also. I was wondering if its gonna be all packed, and really hard to ride stuff??? What will the difference be between this day and a regular day?
Bryan,5 rides on MF. You had better be there when the gates open and stay untill the park closes. Well maybe if they get 3 trains running it might be possible. Gooober and I waited 8 hours in line on Wednesday and got 4 rides. It was worth it, but man did our feet hurt. We stood in line for so long we decided that the last ride of the day wasn't worth it.With coaster nuts coming from all over the place, and we at GTTP can be counted in. Sure it will be "packed", can you say "swamped out the gizzard".
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
I was at august of 99,will the coastermania crowds be worse or better?Living over 500mls. from the point,I can only go once or twice a year.Would you attend coastermania or go another day?With the ert I was thinking this was the week to go.
Well Considering the park opens soo early my first ride will be on MF around 8:00AM or so or whatever.

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