Car vandalism ??

LuvRaptor's avatar

On May 22nd upon returning to my truck I was DEVESTATED to find that some (*&^%$ (insert your own bad word here) has placed a cigarette on my $250.00 6 month old tondeau cover and burned a hole in it. This was NO accident-the nasty piece of crap van that had been parked next to me was gone-it wasnt the wind that simply blew it there cause if it was the wind then the wind should have just blown it off. So now my tondeau cover has a hole in it. I cant afford to get it repaired so I used some black silicone stuff to try to fix it-yes it looks bad but oh well.
My ?? is--has any of you had any damage done to your car while you've been at CP?
Is any one place better to park than any other? And if you are directed where to park how can you control that?
And maybe this is the stupiest ?? here but:
do you think I should take my tondeau cover off for my visit this week? (if any of you have a tondeau cover you KNOW this is no easy task)
or leave it on chalking up the last incident as an isolated one????
Some people just HAVE to be buttholes!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Sorry to hear that LuvRaptor..I personally never had anything happen but I did have a freind however that had his "UofM" sticker on his car steaked with a Red O.. (Giggle..I thought it was funny being a spartan and all)..but didn't think it was right!!

new MF photos
Man I don't know what to tell you, except that I am very sorry it happened. I am also concerned when I park at CP too. *** This post was edited by Scooter on 5/30/2000. ***
Last year someone marked up my car with blue crayon while it was parked in the Soak City lot. And the only offensive item I was displaying was a PA license plate!

Dave McWilliams
Beaver Falls, PA
yea-my car gets vandelised every time i go to the seagles(otherwise known as flying rats)they decorate my car.thats why i never wash it if i know im going to the point.
Last summer I found a beer bottle that had obviously been wedged under one of my rear tires on purpose. Since I’ve had bad experiences with glass and tires in the past (but not at CP), this upset me. There are idiots everywhere, and the police can’t catch them all. I suspect that the vandalism is done by people who do not have strong ties to the park. Overall, though, I think that vehicles are relatively safe at the Point.

It is possible that parking in the Challenge park lot might be slightly safer, because there are simply fewer people parking there, and your vehicle will somewhat isolated from the masses. It is also likely that parking way out in the main lot would be safer, both because fewer people will be walking by and because the few isolated vehicles parked way out are more visible than the ones all bunched up. Another great place is the first row that runs along the bus lot and the handicapped lot. There is usually a parking person working in that area, and it’s a high visibility area.

Parking in the Challenge park lot is easy, just put your turn blinker on to let the parking people know where you want to go and they should wave you through. If you arrive after about 2:00 PM most days, you can park anywhere you want. Of course, to get first row you’ll need to arrive early like about 8:45 AM, and hope they are parking people in that section when you happen to arrive.

CPDave brings up a very good point about the beer bottles...

It's never happened to me. But because it does happen, I always make it a habit, after a day in the park, to walk all the way around the car and do a quick inspection. It only takes a few seconds to make sure there are no obvious signs of trouble, and it can save you a lot of grief, whether caused intentionally or accidentally.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
LuvRaptor's avatar

Thanks for all the advise! I took my tondeau cover off my truck last night (that was LOADS of fun) so at least its not there for someone else to mess up-I will try to shoot for row 1 tomorrow so truck is in sight anyway....
there's nothing like getting something nice for someone else to trash
man-and I thought seagull poop was as bad as it could possibly get!!!
12 hours from now hopefully I will be feeling lap 40+ on MF!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Sorry to hear about what happened to your truck. I can sympathize because my car got keyed one time when I was visiting my brother for the weekend (he works on a college campus). I came back to my car and on the passenger door (about midway) going toward the back is this large key mark. I was not very happy about it. I do believe it is buffable. I just haven't gotten to it yet, but I intend to take care of it.

Please wait till the ride comes to a complete
During one of my trips to the point last year there were 6 or 7 cars that got their tires slashed in the Challenge Park parking lot. It was done during the night.

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
Jeffrey Spartan- I'm a die hard U of M fan but that sounds like something an OSU fan(student) would do! GO BLUE!!

Live for FUN!

My mom's van was scratched with a key, but somebody saw who did it. A 13-year old and a 12-year old.

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