There was a thread a little while back talking about getting CP decals made for cars. I just took some photos of my Jeep to show what I was able to get done for very little at a sign shop in town. You can see it here: -------------
James Draeger
'01 CP Trips: 1
'01 Parks visited: 2
My truck was not only featured in the Register article on the 5th but makes another appearance in the "Great Ohio Coaster Clubs" newsletter this quarter too! That truck o' mine almost as famous as its owner!! (aka: moving CP billboard)
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
If I cant ride it, rope it, pull a trailer behind it, then I dont want it!! Cowgirl up!!
Got a couple new ones for the ole Sparty mobile..thought I'd share... ------------- mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 7/24/2001. ***
Jeff, where did you get that Magnum one, that's awesome.
Actually, I found that if you peel very carefully you can use the decals off of the drink bottles they sell at the Point. I slapped the MF logo on the window.
I really want to put "I'm loosing control" on the back of my car, and the DT logo on the front. Haven't had the time to even see how much it costs though.
Gemini 100: 100
Matt..I made them myself..not too hard if you have access to the right stuff...
------------- mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Jeff. The right stuff being?
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
*** This post was edited by Petree4284 on 6/23/2001. ***
Kettering University. Interesting! I was going to go to Kettering University, but I decided not to :)
A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
------------- mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Oh so technical! Thanks!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
There is a place here in Salina, KS that makes decals like that. I wonder for how much they would make me a Cedar Point something. Hmmmmm.
Kansan by birth; Cedar Point by desire; Zone 5/6 by the grace of God
I got a guy that I found at that I order stuff from for my Grand AM! (wish I had a scanner;))
"Where da party at?! Girls is on da way, where da BACARDI at?!!"
It's just a matter of getting blank decals, having a decent printer (that will accommodate decal material) and remembering to mirror the image you want before you print it (if you're putting it on a window).
Duane Cahill
I need a vacation to recuperate from my trip reports.
Thank You Duane..
------------- mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 7/25/2001. ***
Actually, it's a matter of getting copyright, heeheeheehee! I doubt CP would mind the free advertising though.
A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
I still have my CP and MF logo waiting on pieces of paper here. I need to take them to an auto shop to see if they can make them into decals.
Would you have to get permission from CP? If not then my Aztec might be loaded with those!
2001 MF Count: 0
1. Iron Dragon
2. Raptor
3. Gemini
4. Magnum
5. Demon Drop
I want that Mean Streak one one spartans ride on mine!
"Stop worrying about your stupid back, and ride Mean Streak! You bunch of babies!"
Lets try this again. I want the Mean Streak one on Spartan's car, on mine!
"Stop worrying about your stupid back, and ride Mean Streak! You bunch of babies!"
I'm sure they wouldnt care since you're advertising them. I have a MF and CP logo sitting here on paper which I hope to make into a decal somehow soon.
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight