
Is it me or is there a lot of people stirring around the fact that there is a big issue of capacity here? I know that it is very dear to the hearts of Cedar Point to have high capacity rides in the park since they get over 3 million visitors a year in the park.

But, whether it gets 1000 people per hour or 10000 people an hour, they are going to make it the most efficent launch in the world. Granted that the beginning of the season, there will be a lot of bugs to work out with the crew. However, as was with Millenium Force, those bugs were worked out when it came time for the larger crowds.

But figure this one out though...if they do indeed have 3 ride ops are each side, they can get them in locked it more quickly and then get them out of the station.

The capacity would then go up...also, another good question, how quick would the ride be...when i checked the stats of the ride is the length of the ride. Unlike millenium, they don't have a ride time. I expect it to be something like 1 min 30 seconds or 2 minutes at the most...which gives me this theory:

1:30 ride time: 45 cycles X 32 riders = 1440 riders/hr
1:45 ride time: 34 cycles X 32 riders = 1088 riders/hr
2:00 ride time: 30 cycles X 32 riders = 960 riders/hr.

If they have the ride time at 1:30, then they would have the most for their buck as they can get close to 1500 riders per hour through the cues. I am guessing that the lines would be 1-2 hours long at least all day long but would also help Millenium as well.

Also, looking at the picture, it looks like that the queue lines are going to run along the beach or where the old Stadium Games building used to be.

I guess we can conclude that though this ride may not have all the bells and whistles everybody wanted, it is a great addition to the park and where it was located, it is an excellent choice. I personally don't think there was enough room for a full bred-coaster but then again, that would be cool to drive under a coaster when parking for the days events.

Have a good thanksgiving and reply back. :)
Sorry for the long post. :)

Bells and whistles? Literally!?
Of course, not ;-)

I don't think Superman has any bells on it...then again, it who knows what they do at Six Flags parks.

I heard they do some weird stuff at Six Flags.
On the official site there is a page that talks about the dispatch intervals.  The ride time itself will be 40 seconds, and they expect a mere 55 seconds for unloading and loading (that will be tough to hit, but with 6 ops it can happen).  Which equates to a 95 second dispatch interval, and if it was like this every time they would get 1200-1300 pph.  While this looks good, it will be extremely hard to achieve, especially since 1200-1300 pph was around MF's capacity last year.  At least we know that CP is addressing the problem by using 6 ops (I don't think S:UE has that much) and adding an 8th car.  We'll just have to see... 
Break the scream barrier in 2002!
Wicked twists: 0
VertiGo flights: 4
MF thrills: 30
You are looking at approximately a two and 1/2 minute interval between trains on average per hour which means you will have only 800 riders per hour. There is going to be one heck of a line that first year of operation at CP.

*** This post was edited by coasterkingoftheworld on 11/23/2001. ***

I guarantee load time will be faster than S:UE since the operators on WT won't chit-chat with each other as they load like the ops did at WOA when I was there this summer.
ShiveringTim's avatar
Are we sure that the six operators means that six people will be checking restraints, or does that mean that one will be at controls, one at the station entrance, and four cheking bars?  Either way, it's still better than SUE with only two checking bars.
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie
Jeff's avatar
The plans for the station that someone talked about in a newspaper article mentioned six operator stations on the platform, which I'm guessing is your typical "ride op corrals." We know CP too well to think they'd use any fewer than six people on this ride.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I don't know if they are going to use more than 6 people on the platform but if they use more, wouldn't there be a problem with crowding the platform?

Just a though, Doug :)

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