Bunny hills

I was looking at the webcam, and noticed how there is BIG flat peice of track between the bunny hill and the last overbanked turn. Why didn't they add a few more bunny hills? If you ask me, I think this is MF's weakest spot...the lack of hills...I mean how many are there...4? 5? and that's when you count the overbanked turns as hills!
Oh well, I guess I'll just wait 'till I ride it to make the real judgement.
MF's weak spot being the lack of hills?????????

Come talk to me after you plummet back down to earth from 310 feet and we'll see if there is a weak spot...:)

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
c'mon give it a chance first!! going right into the 122 degree turn from a bunny hill would be murder on the body..Some people are never happy!!


Jeffrey Spartan
While I understand *why* there isn't a bunny before the last overbank, I still don't like it. I think the ending looks rather (GASP!) less-than-stellar. Of course, I'll have people say "Wait til you ride it, dummy!" but the fact is, I know what I like in a coaster, and that ending doesn't look like a very good ending for a coaster. IMO.
So, why ride something you know does not fit your tastes, because Im pretty sure you will go check it out.
Personally, I am glad MF does not finish with a bunch of little bunny hills. I have never been a big fan of the last half of Magnums run (the 5 bunny hills). The little hills are fun, but I always thought that the ending was a bit of a let down after the first two big hills and the big pretzel turn. I think a coaster should finish with a flourish, like the final turn on Gemini or the helix on Raptor. I think MF will have a great ending, with the 3rd hill followed by a tunnel, followed by the bunny hill and finishing with the tight overbanked turn. To me, that sounds more exciting then 3 or 4 little hills. *** This post was edited by RPMGuitar on 2/25/00. ***
Some people are just never satisfied...

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000

Think about this. Millennium force will be going so fast, small bunny hills are almost out of the question. At those speeds they wouldn't be 0G hills but you would get g forces in the negatives. You would uncoforatable be forced into your lapbar and lose your wallet and anything else in your pockets. Ever been in the first seat of corkscrew. Right after the hill all your change is gone.
Having ridden Superman Ride of Steel at SFDL and hearing several complaints from enthusiasts about there being too much "flat track", trust me when I say that the flat track just makes you feel like you are going that much faster. With it being so close to the ground and with the open train design, you won't be complaining too much once it opens (at least I don't think you will).

ray p.
That hill from the first seat of the Corkscrew makes the whole ride worthwhile :)

I'm not worried about the "lack" of bunny hills on MF, though. Magnum and MF will give different, intense rides. Looking forward to riding both in May...
You know, CP puts out $24 million dollars to satisfy coaster nuts and families alike. CP and Intamin know what their limitations are. I don't think CP cares if they let down 1 person...

Greensburg PA
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
77 days closer until the "real Millennium"
I agree. Look at the lay out of the ride. You have a 300 foot drop with these huge overbank turns. This mean the ride will lose only a little bit of speed. Now I can say that when I am on the Corkscrew that second hill is a lot. Imagin going at least 50mph on a bunny hill. Owwy. Not something I want to experience.
Now look for everyone who says they won't like the Force of the Millennium because of the lack of bunny hills...quitchabichen. Go over the first hill then when you are at the bottom make up in your mind if you like it. Sometimes I wish you would just go to another park because the topic comes up to much

Millennium Force count: 0
amen to that brother...They complain about how MF lacks this and that and say they will not ride it,(based upon a artist drawing I might add) but they are normally the first ones on the ride.
Whos gonna be the first one on the ride? You mean me right? ;)

I think you will forget about airtime and enjoy the ride. There are some people saying that its just going to have a big drop and then not be a good ride. Yeah, it's gonna really suck going 122 degrees probally 50-60 mph through those turns and down that 180 foot hill and through 2 tunnels. Yep, definately a sucky ride. Wouldn't want to ride it...yep

Give me a break! It's gonna be awesome! And if MF doesn't settle your heart, go ride one of the other 13 coasters!
I dunno - the floater hill should produce massive against-the-upstops air. It'll be a great counter to all the positive G's before and after it. But, hey - we'll all find out in 2 1/2 months!
You guys don't have to be agressive. You need to come down off your high horses and respect other people's opinions. Every ride, including the "almighty," 24 million dollar, Millenium Force has a "weak point." As in something that doesn't live up to the expectations of the rest of the ride. If it didn't, then it would be perfect, and we all know that can't happen. Cppsyclone was just making an observation and even agreed to postpone real judgement til May. IMO (which I'm entitled to last time I checked the US Constitution), I think the ending will be its weakest spot also. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the ride will be better than anything I've ever ridden, but the ending doesn't look stellar. Of course, I won't know anything for sure til I ride it in May, but I am gonna have to agree with the observation made that the finale doesn't look so hot. So nah :P
Jeff's avatar
Oh dear God, people disagree. Who cares?!

The fact remains... you'll have to wait until you ride it to form a real opinion.

This very same thread erupted on Usenet, and the conclusion drawn was that:
a) This coaster is about speed.
b) Seeing as how you just dropped off a 100-foot hill and need to climb a 60-foot hill, a sharp hop would nail you hard and likely bruise your legs.
c) If you've seen it IRL, you have no doubts that it will be anything less than spectacular.

And there you have it.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Oh now we are getting mature
I am not trying to say that "Oh Millenium Force is the best and whatever you say is wrong." What I am saying is that this has come up way to often. And all I hear is people talking about how bad the ride looks. This is even worse than when people comment on Disaster Transport. At least they have riden it.
Now if you want to talk about a boring "looking" lay out cheeck out my favorite roller coaster Magnum XL-200. I swear if Cedar Point made a 300ft Magnum (providing that the original was never made) the same people would be complaining. Magnum's layout is very simple. Come on When you looked at the Magnum for the first time did you miss the first hill and say "Wow look at those Bunny hills, I am sooo scared." I would most definatly say the key to a good roller coaster is the first hill and everything helps it.
Basicly what I am saying is give the ride a chance.

Millennium Force ride count: 0
IMHO I think that the first "inversion" or overbanked turn (which ever you choose)will receive the most complaints. How do I figure...you ask? That turn isn't even half the height of the lift. With it being so low and going over it at a speed of +90Mph, the G forces will be very strong. Possibly strong enough to cause guests to complain about pains in their body. With Thunder Canyon right infront of this turn, it is obvious that they had to put this turn in because there isn't anywere for the train to keep running forward from the lift hill with TC in the way. If I were in the planning dept. working with Intamin on this rides layout, it would not look like it does. I would have rejected this layout. Instead I would have either removed Thunder Canyon or rerout it so MF could continue to run forward after the lift hill. It would run it along the bayside of the park till it makes it's way back to Mean Streaks station were it then would make a more of a sweeping turn with less G's. It would head back toward the lift and then turn left and head out to the island in the lagoon.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP *** This post was edited by Vince on 2/26/00. ***
just to clarify a few things : the top of the turn is 169 feet.... that is 141 feet lower than the top of the first hill(for a comparison, mantis is 145 feet tall with a 137 foot drop and it goes about 60 mph)

of course the G forces will be strong... but they will be exactly what intamin designed them to be... you don't spend that much money on a coaster only to say "well, now that we're done building it, let's see what kind of forces will be placed on the riders"

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