Bring back the damn pirate ride!

One of my favorite rides as a kid. I was horrified when I found it turned into a video game arcade. Disgraceful!
Not really an appropriate and acceptable way of starting a thread around here...

No use making demands with such assertion.

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
Look for your topic to be closed soon...Jeff is on the prowl!!!
Guess I should of put LOL! after it. Wasn't meant to be assertive. My apologies. Just very passionate about Cedar Point, that's all. Many people probably disagree with me but I really miss that ride.
BERNZ- YOU ARE THE MAN!!!! I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS ALL ALONG. THE PIRATE RIDE IS AWESOME!!! now they have retarded games that i (or anyone else) have never even heard of. if you look back at a lot of my threads, you will see my love for the pirate ride. (sorry for the caps, excited to see someone else feels so strongly for the pirate ride).
"I'm a jerk I'm a PUNK took a shower cause I stunk", Blink 182's Degenera
I totally agree! Why, oh WHY did such a great ride get turned into, of all things, an ARCADE!? I haven't been to the park since '95 and when I learned what happened to my beloved Pirate Ride, I don't know if I wanted to cry or strangle someone. I will forever miss being able to stand in line outside the Pirate Ride building and watch the cannon ball splashes in the water. :(

I am deeply saddened.

Now without the pirate ride CP has no dark rides. Just BRING IT BACK.

Yeah, CP is really lacking in this sort of ride. What about the "San Francisco Earthquake". Same type of dark ride but wasn't as good as the PR. *** This post was edited by Bernz on 4/6/2000. ***
I think the problem is a rider control issue. The only way to keep people from touching stuff in the ride its self is to either restrain them so they can't move their arms or put plexiglass around the car. Neither of these options are good so that's probaly the reason the ride was removed.
People used to get out of the cars and runaround inside. Then they started having attendents ride on the backs of the cars to keep an eye on everyone.

On a side note. Anyone think that the Mine Ride would be better if it was completely or partially enclosed? To give it more of a mine shaft feel. Kinda like Temple of Doom or something.
Bernz open a new topic about mine ride.

The Pirtate Ride is dead and gone! Its a fact that you've had to deal with for awhile now...acknowledge and move on. Nothing last forever, someday the witches wheel may go, someday the Blue Streak could go. As for the Mine Ride, covering it up would sorta take away from the rustic feeling in the back of the park. Plus we already know what happens when CP encloses a ride with effects. The strobes and whatnot break and never get fixed again.
"And now for something completely different" MPFC

well, aren't we the little pesimist!

how dare you mention that the blue streak goes that is one of the few historic cp coasters still there!!!!

magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Yes but every thing falls for the wreckin' ball eventualy. I'm not saying that it will go soon, but who knows 25-50 years it could all be destroyed to make room for the new coasters of that era. We'd already have relics such as Gemini and Corkscrew, I'd say Magnum but that would have been sunken in by now.

"And now for something completely different" MPFC
Dark rides are a staple of American amusements and carnivals. Probably what I liked about it was in fact the very reason it was taken out?? It was hoakey, a bit silly, not very exciting. But I've ridden Pirate Ride FAR MORE TIMES than i have DT. I also miss the earthquake ride and the upside down fun house. They are part of park and carnival history. I wonder if the guts of the pirate ride still exist and are for sale??

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