Breakers question

Just a quick question about this place. I called there today for a reservation and they asked me how many people and I said two and she said is there anyone under 21? So I said yes because my g/f is 18. So she said we couldn't stay there because of her age unless i'm her parent or guardian which I'm neither. See we live in pa and here she is an adult. Because she is an adult she does not have a legal guardian anymore. Does anyone have any good advice on what I should do about this? Do you think they would actually card her at the hotel or could I say I'm her guardian?
That really makes no sense. Stupid Rules are made to be broken, however. The thing is how are they going to find out? As long as she is not with you during check in, they will never know about her unless they break into your room during the night and search her purse for her ID. The only thing bad about this is you may not get a second keycard for the room. The only other time I have heard of such a thing is when you rent a car you have to be over a certain age both to rent or to drive because they think that younger people are not financially dependent enough and are bad drivers. So basically they will rent out a Car to a 98 year old homeless man with 23 DWI charges but not a 20 year millionaire with a flawless record.

Hotel's are not exactly like Rent-A Cars, and I see no logic behind this. It's That Dang Ohio General Assembly.

Joe E

I always wondered why they asked that when making reservations. Here's what to do. Call back, make the reservation and when they ask that question, say NO. Like Joe said, how are they going to know?
Cedar Point's rule is that everyone must be age 21 or older or accompanied by a parent or guardian. The only exception is if two people are married. The front desk clerks are instructed to check for ID's if you appear under 30. If you are caught attempting to stay in a room and are under 21, you would be denied access to the room and would lose your deposit.
Cedar Point, and all of the other area hotels do this in accordance with Ohio's Liquor Laws. If you are injured or killed as a result of underage drinking at the hotel, the hotel can be held liable in some situations.
You could try and call again and ask to speak with a a manager and plead your case if you really want the room and promise not to drink underage. The law does NOT say you have to be 21 to stay at a hotel, but hotels do have the perrogative to set a minimum age.

CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
My brother was 19 last year, and went to the Rodeway Inn along with his friend, my friend, and me. He said he wasn't carded, and they just gave him his room keys. We just stayed in the car, while he went in alone.

Just don't draw attention to yourself while checking in and when you go to your room, and I'm sure you'll be fine.
My husband and I stayed at Breakers last year, when we were both 23, and since I made the reservations I had to show ID and confirm, but they never asked him and he was with me. I'd like to think we don't look 30!

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I've fought long and hard about this, but they really don't want to budge. But, this year on the Resorts mailer, the only thing it said was that minors were not permitted to register, they did not say anything about being 21 on it.

I think it's a stupid rule, but I'm under 21 so that makes sense. Don't try to plead your case, it just wont work (right Bree?). Just work around it, it has and will continue to be done.
How about the campground at CP? Do they require all guests to be over 21?
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar know you could of thought of something :)

Oh I forgot....LOL

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
So if your under 21 you can't get a hotel room anywhere in ohio? Because me and a few of my friends were planning on going to CP for a few days and stay in a hotel but we are all under 21 but over 18.
I got a room no problem at other motels in sandusky last year and my friends were under twenty one.

"One good thing about all this, with all this fresh air we're gonna sleep like babies"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
they didn't say that..all that was said is that CP is more stringent on their regulations toward people under 21...I've been going to CP for years and many under the age of 21. I always stayed at many places within Sandusky without ever being carded....

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
ShiveringTim's avatar
Same here. The only time I've ever ran into this issue was being asked when getting a room at the Breakers. I don't remember being asked this question when booking a room at Breakers Express, however.

Scott W. Short
At least Cedar Point is not as strict as some of the hotels in Myrtle Beach, SC. In the spirit of creating a "family" atmosphere, most of the large hotels require you to be at least 25 years old or accompanied by your parents or legal guardians, no exceptions! Now that is a strict minimum age rule!
Ha Tyler...fighting with Bree won't get you anywhere. ;-)

All of CP's reservations (Breakers, Sandcastle, Express, CV) are handled from one central office, so the reservationist SHOULD have asked when you booked for Breakers Express. Sometimes people are lazy though...

CP Schroeder
CP Resorts Reservations '00, '01
Thanks everyone for the info. Just for the hell of it I sent them an email and got a response today. I'm not gonna beg to stay there I was just curious why they didn't want us there. They said they had "problems" in the past. Which I think is funny because they have a whole park full of kids under the age of twenty one working and riding rides. It's a funny thing because we've stayed all over the place including the disney world resorts and the waldorf in new york and never encountered anything so silly.

"One good thing about all this, with all this fresh air we're gonna sleep like babies"

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