Breakers Express?

Wondering if Breakers Express is done, and/or anybody visited it yet?

The rates up until that first week of June, are pretty decent.

Thinking about staying there those few days after Memorial Day.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
its very nice inside and very resonable prices!! 59.00 weekdays

new MF photos
I stayed there last Friday night ($79). I thought that the hotel was very nice inside and the room itself was nice. It was worth the money to be able to stay so close and get up at a decent time (approx. 8:00) in the morning instead of the normal 5 or 5:30 AM that I would have to get up in order to get ready and drive to CP from Salem, OH.

Other thing that I liked was that I got two wake-up calls from the front desk. First time, I simply picked up and put the receiver back down. Within seconds, the phone rang again. A real person wanted to make sure that I was awake.

Just my 2 cents worth.
Oh, you mean the Breakers Convalescent Center? Last year a number of people noticed how much the Breakers Towers resembles a hospital...this year a couple of us have noticed that the Breaker Express really does look like an Extended Care Facility from certain angles...:)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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