Bookmarks Toolbar Icon?


Hello Jeff and Walt! Would it be possible to give PointBuzz it's own icon for my Firefox bookmarks toolbar? I have my PB bookmark right next to CoasterBuzz's, and it just looks so naked without it's own icon.

I know this is kind of nit-picky, and that you have lives outside of PB, but if it isn't hard to do and you have free time, my OCD tendencies would really appreciate it!

:) *** Edited 4/4/2006 4:17:55 PM UTC by laura2000mi***



Don't feel so OCD.

I actually asked Tyler if they could ask the busy web designers to pop one in for the Cedar Point website.

They are technically called "Favicons," and I think they are pretty unique. With the amount of websites that DO have them, I am surprised that Cedar Point does not.

But don't feel like you are the only one who wonders these crazy things. : )

Oh. Also, CoasterBuzz has one, which is why I guess I was surprised that PointBuzz did not. Hehe although I think CB's looks like a UFO or a funny French hat. ; )



djDaemon's avatar

Hey Laura. This may not work for Firefox, but in IE, you can right-click on your bookmarked link, select Properties, then Change Icon. Then, you can select an icon to use. Although, I'm not sure where you'd find a PB icon...




For some reason in my Firefox it has the Coasterbuzz Icon next to my Cedar Point link.



Neat idea.

101 on Magnum and counting...




They are technically called "Favicons," and I think they are pretty unique. With the amount of websites that DO have them, I am surprised that Cedar Point does not.

Yeah, all my other sites up there have "favicons" (thanks for the vocab lesson). To be honest...for a little while I didn't have PB on my toolbar just because it didn't have an icon...and all the others did...yeah, kind of embarassing. BUT, it is up there now (even without it having a favicon), so I am getting better, OCD-wise.

I played around for a few minutes to see if I could assign my own favicon to PB, but to no avail. If anyone knows if and how it can be done with Firefox, please PM me.



Walt's avatar

I did a quick one and just uploaded it. Let me know how it works out for you.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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JuggaLotus's avatar

It doesn't show up on the tab for the PB site.

Goodbye MrScott




Walt's avatar

I know they can be quirky. I'm not seeing it either. Let's see if it works for anyone else.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park



djDaemon's avatar


Could it be a cache thing?
*** Edited 4/4/2006 5:40:56 PM UTC by djDaemon***




I deleted PointBuzz from my favorites list.

I cleared my cache.

When I went back to PointBuzz, it DOES show the favicon in the "address box thingy" (sorry I am not a computer linguist) and also on my tab. BUT when I added the site to my favorites, the little "!" does not show on there.




OH ok. Wait.

Once I added it to my favorites, I closed out the site, and then clicked on the link IN my favorites, and now it DOES show. :)

Hope that helps for other people, because it does show on mine.



Thanks Walt! It is working on my toolbar. Ahh, such bliss!

You have really made my day. What quick service! :) :)



Walt's avatar

Clearing the cache seems to make the difference in both IE and Firefox.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park



Hey! now has one as well!

: )

What larks!



JuggaLotus's avatar

It's probably been there since the upgrade, but since no one thought to clear their cache, no one has found it until now.

Goodbye MrScott





I clear mine out every day.


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