I was at the Point on the 23. The 5th ride I was riding was Disaster Transport for the very first time. I was walking to the entrance and by the matinence part of it was two guys with surveying equipment. The other thing I noticed was that there were precise boards cut to fit over the inclined ramp to get into the matinence area. I didn't think much of it at first so I didn't ask them what they were doing. The ride was boring 5 minutes for wait and ride and I got out of the exit ramp and they were gone. Does anyone else think they were working on the mysterious boardwalk project ?
Odds are they were preparing the second queue room for the upcoming Halloweekends haunted house.
Scott W. Short
Where did this boardwalk rumor orginate anyways...please tell me it wasn't from Thrillride!Lol
201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
No, it came from Jeff. He's been toying with us for a while. He knows something(s) we don't.
Actually the FIRST Disaster Transport queue room is being turned into a haunted house this year. One of the maintenance guys let me take a peek today. Everything inside the original DT entrance has been stripped. There is a really cool Egyptian themed entrance there now. This is going to be the "Pharoah's Tomb" haunted house. I'm not sure if this will be one big haunted house or there will be two with the other one being in the second DT queue room.
One question remains....is something going to happen to DT???? The first AND second queue rooms are now gone........interesting......
CP Schroeder
Cedar Point Reservatons '00
Here's a dumb question for ya, what is the boardwalk project????
The first queue room is the room with the black lights right...? Hasnt the second room already been "plated" up with those metal walls for atleast a season? I hope DT goes through a major re-hall, including the queues and the building/theming!
Sounds like either DT will get a transformation next year or (hopefully) will be gone. Why would they being transforming rooms into a haunted house, including the entrance? I really hope they don't waste a lot of money on a weak ride...I just don't see how anything would improve it.
Eric: the boardwalk project is a solid rumor for 2001. It occupies the area from the Giant Wheel down to Ocean Motion. I'm sure everyone has their own idea, but from what I gather it sounds like CP wants to create boardwalk/carnival atmosphere with games, food stands, a flat ride or two, a Mad Mouse coaster maybe. Lots of people have been speculating that it could be a two or three year plan, to also include a new wooden coaster or a launched coaster. Go over to Screamscape and read all the rumors. They are pretty reliable.
I think Disaster Transport is a lot of fun. I only wish it were longer. The theme never really was very effective. I know I rode it the first season but I still can't quite figure out why were are going to Alaska! The problem I see with it is that it is this big and unattractive building blocking up some of the nice waterfront. The lake is the original attraction at Cedar Point and it's a shame that it has find of been forgotten about in modern times with rides and attractions blocking the view and access. The boardwalk project should do wonders for opening up the beach and lake again. The new Giant Wheel location this year really made me stop and take time to appreciate the waterfront. I even went out onto the beach and walked along the "boardwalk" all the way up to Sandcastle. I haven't done that in a long time. I don't know what could be done to Disaster Transport to fit it in with the beach. Off topic but. . .When did CP change the Disaster Transport logo which eliminated the DISpatch mASTER TRANSPORT thing?
Don't read in to the haunted house thing... these attractions are very temporary in nature. They have more in common with a theatrical set than anything else.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 39
I know I had a hard time finding the entrance to Disaster Transport the other day. I've never been around this late in the year before and all I saw was the door closed and the sign removed. I eventually figured things out when I heard the obnoxious clanking of the lift.
I find it interesting that Pharaoh's Tomb is, supposedly, completely mobile similar to the Haunted House housed in the old Frontier Carousel building.
Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
i do a haunted house here in michigan,and the haunted houses that cedar point has are totaly portable.the person that designed them is the same person that ariganelly designed mine.