Boardwalk Fries?????

I was thinking back to when Dan said to look for clues as to what was going in for the next year, like the magnum car sitting at a 45 degree angle in the winter. Well I was at the point the last couple of days and on the Gemini midway(by Chaos) there was a Frie place called BOARDWALK FRIES. Well there obviosly isn't a Boardwalk so I think Cedar Point is dropping us a hint as to what is going in next year. Any Ideas

Force Flights- 19
They call me Browski
BZZT. Sorry. Thank you for playing.

Boardwalk Fries is a national brand name for french fries. They involve unpeeled potatoes fried in peanut oil, but I can't for the life of me figure out why else there would be any significance to them at all, apart from the fact that Cedar Point now serves three different types of fries. Boardwalk Fries are served in the restaurants and from carts scattered about the park.

Personally, I don't much care for the Boardwalk Fries. I'm not sure why; perhaps it is because they're usually undercooked and usually cold by the time they get to me.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Gemini's avatar
Plus Boardwalk Fries isn't anything new for CP. It's been there for at least the past 2 seasons.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
hey it looked good .
I've seen it around too -- one of those little stands on wheels, right? That's how I first found Moose Tracks ice cream! Yummy! But hey, it would look good with a real boardwalk! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
Jeff's avatar
There already is a fry joint on the boardwalk, it's called Mr. Potato! ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
You really think that fry stand will survive two more seasons Jeff? ;)

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Jeff's avatar
I didn't say anything about it staying there...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Boardwalk Fries have been there as long as I remember.

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