Board Walk and Floorless Confirmed?

Over at Coasterbuzz Jeff has posted that the board walk rumor is true, and that in 2002 Cedar Point has signed a contract with B&M for a 195 ft. floorless coaster that has 8 inversions.
2001 will bring waterfront development, but I think its going to be different than what everyone thinks it will be.

Also about the 2002 Floorless, I would love a floorless and I have heard this rumor before. On the other side of the coin the the rumors I have heard are different. Everyone says floorless, this and that, but no one has mentioned the location. If I was a betting man, I would put it in the back of the park and have it wrap arount TC, and WWL. There is a TON of room back there and no one really has picked up on that area as possible development. Move the Wave Swinger to the "waterfront/boardwalk" development, then take out that Carousel Pavillion and you have plenty of room for a great B&M floorless.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
I think that if it has a really big footprint, they should put it beside Meanstreak in the bone yard. But if it has a small footprint, then it should be over by TD and WWL.
Cool 8 inversions.

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
Why not just have the first floorless to break 200ft.? They should put an extra 5 feet on that. Or at least have it go 5 feet underground in a tunnel.. that would be cool too. I'm not complaining at all, nor do I know if its even true. My first choice would have been the same thing cause I love floorless B&M coasters so much.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
Jeff's avatar
I didn't post that... that was a user contributed rumor, not me.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

Hell, if they put it by Mean Streak, they can use the land the Mean Streak Occupies!! Just look at how must land it wastes! The majority of the floorless could twist and turn inside the Mean Streak structure...the "mean streak court yard"
One rumor I heard from a not so reliable source told me that the folks from B&M have been in the park already measuring for a tunnel.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Jeff's avatar
One reason that's probably not reliable: any surveying firm could give them topographical maps, if they aren't already on file with the city.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
How often are topo maps updated?
Back to an area, with Camp Snoopy in the rear and the Peanuts Play area by the Coliseum, they could locate a new coaster in the old kiddie kingdom. They could relocate some of the rides to the aforementioned parts of the park. Just think of walking down the midway- Raptor on the left and [insert name here] of the right. Also could be a nice segue to the "boardwalk."

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
I also think a nice change to the boardwalk area, would be to renovate the convention hall/Coral Dining room back to it's old glory as the Grand Pavilion. As for the Peanuts play area, that space is begging for a dark ride!!

By popular vote, the official start of the
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May 13, 2000
I like the idea of a boardwalk project. However, moving the wave swinger and other rides that you will also find at carnivals and county fairs to one area will seperate the park. The front end looking more like Coney Island (I really hate the east coast) and the rest an amusement park. I think CP has done a great job at blending their rides into a great looking park. Moving rides to add more coasters is one thing but consolidating them into groups is not good.
What is TC and WWL?
Thunder Canyon and White Water Landing

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
31 days until The Force
Thunder Canyon and White Water Landing...

must be new around here??

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
Although I don't know about that Screascape is posting that the boardwalk isn't true. And a vekoma LIM is the next coaster, which would be nice to see because that is one of the coaster types CP does not have
One problem with 2002 for a first hyper-floorless: I doubt by 2002 it would be the first. =)
I would bet money that it will be either a woodie or a Intemin.
I wouldn't come to any conclusions until they officially announce their intentions. Right now it's just gossip. Another floorless coaster would be cool though.

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