blacked out on MF

My fiance blacked out on 7/19...on the front seat...I was riding with her and did notice that there was alot of pressure at the bottom of the 1st hill, and some of the turn arounds on the island. She said that she blacked out at the bottom, and then couldn't see out of her left eye for the rest of the ride...She was so frightened that she wanted to go to first aid to have them check her out...she's okay.

just wanted to know if anyone had any blackouts on this beast yet??? I couldn't believe how much faster this ride was carrying through the circuit than when we went in May. Noticeably at the end where the trains used to slow up around the last bank; now they don't even hesitate.

btw, that was our 6th ride, but 1st in the front. I got her on it the next day, in the back seat, and we loved it!

She probable blacked out because she was so nervous and it was such a relief or outake after getting to the top and the ride starts. Plus being in the front......This happend my first MF ride but simce I've been fine on all rides.

Live for FUN!

Jeff's avatar
I suspect that heightened anticipation would do that. I know that my arms went numb on my first ride, the blood pooling in my lower body. I "gray out" a little if I'm sitting near the middle of the train as I climb the pull-out, but nothing serious.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
You might want to get that checked out. Sometimes blood will clot in your legs (not due to riding coasters, but the sudden G-forces may have aggrevated it.) These clots can break free and cause serious problems.

So...If your nervous about the lift and the ride itself your likely to have a blackout????
this year:
Magnum Rides~3
Iron Dragon Rides~16
Gemini Rides~12
1st MF Ride~coming Aug20:) friend hates heights but he loves MF. We went on it 4 times, and whenever we went up the lift, he just looked at the horizon to calm himself down. The rest of the ride is a snap.
I hate heights, also, but I've never had any problems. I was really nervous the first time, but everything went well.

Obviously, each person is different mentally and physically, therefore, MF will affect people differently.
I'm not convinced it was a purely physiological thing either. Wildcat, Magnum, Mantis, and Raptor all have G forces above and beyond MF's.
I grayed out my first ride but have had no problems since. Anticipation will do that to you.
First thing I rode on my first ever trip to CP was Millenium Force. Therefore, nothing really scared me (other than Mantis, euw). So, I was sitting on Magnum going up the first lift hill, and was sitting up like I was eating dinner. Sat in a normal position (not resting back or anything), and when we got to the bottom of the first hill, my god did my neck ever snap. I heard it crack about 6 times. That was the most pain I got out of any of the rides at the park. Though, I must admit, it was probably my fault for not resting my head back.

i was raised by wolves in the mountains, so i have never blacked, greyed, or oranged out on a coaster.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
Me neither.
i have a neurological disease and i never blacked out on anything either. but boy, did my Doctor scream when i told him what i did on my summer vacation!!! says i shouldn't ride, but i don't care...i figure if i die on a coaster, i'll be the happiest person in Heaven!!
and i too had the neck snapping problem on Maggy this year...i think about it, and i wasn't sitting back either!! i'll never do that again, especially in the ejector seat!!

ride early, ride often!!!
I was about 3 or 4 rows of seats from the back. First time on the ride, too. It hurt, but didn't bother me too much. I'm a firm believer that coasters should be a little rough and/or jerky. (I guess that's the woodie fan in me.)

Sorry for being dumb but. WHATS THE EJECTOR SEAT!? I WANNA TRY IT! (If I haven't already)
Seat 1-3 (first car, 3rd row) It's the seat where you seem to get the most air.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
I was always under the impression that the "ejector seat" was the very back car/row.

Or am I wrong?

Jeff's avatar
Depends on the ride, but on Magnum the front car has upward momentum over the hops. The front of the car is forced down the next drop kicking the back of it up, thus the "ejection."

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
I don't know about the exact G forces, but Wave Swinger.. wow. I must have blacked out on that one a dozen times.

On a serious note, I have a very mild circulation problem, and on nearly every one of my 40+ rides, I've noticed "stars" at the bottom of the hill. Pulling through the overbank I notice a little bit of an intoxicating feeling, but that might be unrelated.
I almost blacked out on the 1st turnaround but gathered my composure some how

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