Why not? So you get a little light headed... who cares? How is that not safe? I do more harm to my body when I suck down a couple of beers at Red Garter.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 43
ha ha!! good one Jeff!! that's so true too...mmmm beer... beer and MF..good combo???
--servo, For whom the off-season has already started...
The most dangerous thing about riding MF is the automobile trip to the park.
Dave McWilliams
The most unsafe thing about MF is if you get stapled :)
I can't believe people are blacking out on this ride. There are not enough G's for that. I think the WildCat is worse then the MF in this department. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the maximum G level 3.5 on the Millenium Force?
I think it takes close to 6 or 7 to force blood out of your brain into your lower extremities.
Speaking of Red Garter... I'l be there today.. Missed it during MM days..
Have to agree with you Jmstuckman... but of course, it depends on who the ride op is on if you get stapled or not.. "Ohh CRAP!! I'm in HIS area?? Quick!! Protect the family jewels!!! *CRUNCH* Too late"
Looking for me?? Check The Red Garter...
Think about it, if people are blacking out on this, what happens when you eventuly get to 400, 500, or even 600 feet? People could have heart attacks!
Feel the Force!
*** This post was edited by Coaster guy2000 on 9/16/2000. ***
*** This post was edited by Coaster guy2000 on 9/16/2000. ***
Just because a coaster is higher doesn't mean that it will have higher G force. Like many people have said before, wildcat has higher forces than MF. If they could build a 2000 ft roller coaster, they could keep the maximum G below 1.5 (if they wanted to!)
RugMuncher, I burst out laughing when I read your post!
Okay, the amount of G's has absolutely NOTHING to do with the height of the coaster! It has to do with how large the pullout is at the base of the hill.
I did the same on MF. Well, I started to grey out on my first ride. After that, I was fine. Just jitters I guess. But this is certainly not common to MF. Just last night when I was on SFA's S:ROS I did the same several times...even when it certainly wasn't my first ride.
In the 20 some years I have been riding roller coasters have I ever had this happen to me until this year on the Raptor. I was sitting in the last row, very relaxed and when we hit the helix at the end, things got very gray. Weird sensation but it won't deter me from riding it again.
I've even blacked out on the screw before.
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1250
MF Count: 88
What's with all of this blackout business? I mean my legs were a little wobbly the first couple of times, but after 50 rides, the front car is probably the only exciting thing about the ride anymore:) And Dan you have had 88 rides, what are your thoughts?
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
I have seen people black out and even pass-out before, but I have never had a problem with it myself. If you just breathe and tense up a little you will be fine.