Big Light....

Look at the close up beach cam- theres a big light on- it seems to be in the middle of the tower. Prehaps they put a light on today?

*** This post was edited by pezmanguy3 on 3/1/2002. ***

Yes, I see it also, but if you look closely, you can see the track/support in the light to the right. So I would have to say it is the moon. You can also see the glare of it off the water.
What's going on here. I went to the website and 22:52:25 update had a light about 2 inches below the time, but when the picture updated, the light was gone until the 22:59:25 update. Now it's there again. Could be a flashing light (similar to the one on top of MF, but who knows. This is kinda weird. Oh well.

Mantis Crew '02 - Where's the unload station at?!? ;-)

Ok, I digress. It's the moon! In the 23:16:25 update, the clouds that have been causing the appearance/disapperance of the light. Such a simple explanation and yet I am someone that can so easily get sucked it. Don't join this club! lol! It's now time to close this rambling so I'm out!

Mantis Crew '02 - Where's the unload station at?!? ;-)

Yeah, it's alright. I have a feeling though when they do mount the lights, the lights won't be turned on right away, maybe once or twice to see if they work right, then they won't be turned on full time till close to the start of the season.... Does anyone know how they did it with MF when after they placed and hooked the lights up to the electrical equipment.

- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

Looks kinda odd to me...

Wicked Twister Rocks

Maybe its those UFO's that were in the I-MAX movie a few years back and they want to ride the coasters!
Oh lordy you had to bring that stupid IMAX movie from 2000 u didn't hated that movie..I slept thru most of it


CP & LE RR Crew '01
ATL Swings and Swans '02
"Oh my God..WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

I thought the movie was pretty good. But at least now the government knows what to do with an alien encounter! LOL!

Yes i believe it was the moon. Can anyone guess what the light scheme will be? Whats the one's light scheme like in California.


Add 500 posts to count (waterball,Cedarpoint2000andbeyond)

In 2001, I rode...

MF 15
Magnum 21
Raptor 7
Mantis 8
Mean Streak 9

"Cedar Point's press release will shock you in 2002"

The aliens are back again!?...any of you guys remember the aliens visited the MF construction? We thought they were upset that we were getting the "tallest coaster in the universe," but maybe they just like The Point. :)

MF count: 23

*** This post was edited by CP_bound on 3/2/2002. ***

Do, I don't remember any of the Millenium Force Aliens, but that may be because I wasn't a member here then.
Someone had a doctored photo with a UFO around MF's lift. It was pretty funny.

MF count: 23

LOL ya i sat in the front seat of that imax show in 2000 oh dam i went back to gold just to lay down..i was so sick hehehe

Kelly the crazy coaster freak of cp
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
"Trumpy you can do stupid things...Its called evil kid"

I thought I would never walk out on an IMAX, but I did on the Extreme film. I actually watvched all of the Alien one because of the ride simulators they had. I really enjoyed the Ice one.

MF count: 23

Yeah.. I Liked that little alien movie too ! ( Funny how this got away form the main subject )

Oh wow... :)

Break the scream barrier in 2002!
Wicked twists: 0
VertiGo: Bruised but not beaten!

Cedar Point Cinema...Rest in Peace...just like we did during all of your movies...:-)

"I will never doubt the forces of physics again"~Passenger leaving MF

'02 MF Rides: 00
'02 Wicked Twists: 00

O.K. I did not think the alien movie was that bad but the MJ Movie I walked out on.Why Can't there be any GOOD IMAX movies?.Oh Well heres hoping Snoopy On Ice is better.

"Take A Man WHo Has No Choice,Stepped upon Without A Voice;Eventually He Has To Scream At Someone."

Why did you walk out on the MJ movie? That was one of the best they have had in a while. I liked it not just because of MJ, but because of the Matrix spiral as well as Laurence Fishbourne narrating it.

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