ok, i need this info by sunday evening and will using it on monday afternoon,need someone that is local and would be able to tell me the route, plus whats a safe time to leave the point to catch a 7:45 pm plane?i live in indiana, so dont go east of sandusky much.
Please e-mail me at the addy in my info ,no need to reply to this thread here, unless you actually think someone will need this kind of info in the near future.
(and those found in search were a tad old as far as constuction and all that only locals might know of.)
again, reply by e-mail if possible :)
i dont like sending email to those who dont ask for it,so i decided to do it this way,if any locals are looking for someone to head east with to check out kings dominion,feel free to ask me info on flights and such,even though they would cost more now.but who knows, maybe one of you would have the money to head out that way with me,will be camping at pkd for the 3 days.
*** This post was edited by WHOEVER on 6/30/2001. ***
Ok, well I'm not a local by any stretch but since I've now done this trip more than a few times, I can probably help. The route I follow is basically head out to the turnpike from CP (rt 250 right?). Once on the turnpike, look for signs for 480. This is about 40 miles on the turnpike heading east. Once on 480, the airport is exit 10 and the rental car return is exit 9. The whole trip to get there is about 55 miles and can be done in an hour or slightly less.
Now, as far as the airport, I don't know how parking is, but since I have a rental car usually, I would suggest to plan on at least 25 minutes as far as dropping off a car there since the lot is placed a good distance away from the airport (have to take a shuttle). Once in the airport, 45 minutes to an hour is good if you have ticketless travel and carryons only (which is my preferred way to do it). Plan a bit more time if you have to go to the counters (I'd say at least 1:15 then but that also depends on the airline).
I'd say in my opinion, you should be ok giving yourself about 2 and a quarter to 2 and 1/2 hours from Sandusky until when your flight leaves. Some might suggest a bit more but I also hate finding myself sitting at the gate waiting for over an hour.
Hope this helps you and whoever else might be wondering.
I really should be working...
Wow, I rock...I was just gonna check this thread and then ask you to post seeing you've been taking the route quite a bit recently, Brian. Once CP has you in its clutches....
*-CP Irvine-*
The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls
I know who's fault it is!
Thank you for the help those who replied!