Best Strategy??

I know that there is the Strategy section on this site, but I was wondering if this is a good strategy to beat out all the lines: I've heard that hitting MF first is best, since the lines get really long. Then should I start in the back, and work my way forward to the front of the park? This seems like the perfecrt plan to me, but then I realized something. I would be in the middle of the park at the same time as everyone else! So what do you suggest? And what should the wait times be for: MF, MS, MXL200, Gemeni, CCMR, Mantis, ID, Raptor, BS, PT (red and blue),and Corkscrew? I'm going on 7-31, which is the last day of July, on a Tuesday. Thanks!

*** This post was edited by Goliath255 on 5/28/2001. ***
Well let's see--you pose a lot of interesting questions here and I will attempt to deal with some of them.
1. Nobody can really predict wait times (not even Dan's crystal ball). You are going on a date where it should be fairly busy so you should expect some wait times. Generally, the wait time for Gemini should be less than 1/4 of an hour (assuming they are running at capacity) and the wait for the Cedar Creek Mine Ride should be about 1/4 of an hour as well. Your longest waits will come with MF and Magnum. The wait for MF is anybody's guess (although I would guess maybe a bit over an hour) and the Magnum wait should near an hour as well. Mean Streak is a bit touchy since a lot of people feel as though it is too rough to ride. The wait may be around 3/4 of an hour but if you hit it late at night (once Frontier Town has cleared out) it should be a walk-on.
2. I would head for MF first thing in the morning and then look to see what the lines are like for Raptor and Mantis. If these lines are not too bad, then hit them up for a quick ride and then make your way to the back of the park. Don't worry too much about hitting Gemini, Corkscrew, Iron Dragon, Disaster Transport or the Cedar Creek Mine Ride since these lines are likely to be fairly short all day.
That's just my advice--I am sure some others will chyme in with varying thoughts. Hope this helps! Brandino

"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Quick Hint from me:

I usually go on Raptor or Mantis first thing. Everyone always RUNS to MF, and you will probably end up waiting 45 minutes to an hour (everyime I've gone the waits have been like that all day.)
Another thing... MF takes a little time to warm up... you can definately notice a difference from morning to night how fast that train goes over the third hill....

Planning your day is always a good idea, but another one is just to roll with the punches, and you should easily get on all the rides... if a line is long, just skip it and come back later.

Hope I helped

Making decisions in the blink of the eye is what I do best... :)
If you're going to CP on the last day of June, it would have to be on June 30, since June only has 30 days! Also, June 30 is on a Saturday this year, which will make the park pretty busy, I should think!
Do you mean July 31? I just checked and July 31 IS on a Tuesday!
OOps! It's July 31st. Sorry bout that!
For me, the first ride is always one of two choices. Magnum or MF. After I ride either of those I just go with the flow. I think half the fun at the park is just doing what you want when you want. Don't get too busy planing your day because your sure to come across bad weather or down rides. Enjoy the day.

Live for FUN!

I usually start of with Millennium Force, then Magnum, Gemini, Woodstock Express, Mean Streak, CCMR, and just go on from there. I know Blue Streak and Raptor have shorter waits towards the evening.

Good Luck!

"If everything seems undercontrol, you're not going fast enough!"
that joe cool pass really pays off i got to ride mf(2 times) mantis meanstreak& gemeni
and when joe cool is not active i got to ride powertower (3 times) magnum(5times) all walk-on
What's the joecool pass?
I've never heard of it but I'm almost positive it has to do with Snoopy and his evil friends, Damn them

Raptor Laps : 23
Mantis Laps : 20
Blue Streak Laps : 63 ~~ 45 in 1 day
MF Laps : Numbere Uno
I've searched it and cant find it WHAT IS A JOECOOL PASS !!!!

Raptor Laps : 23
Mantis Laps : 20
Blue Streak Laps : 63 ~~ 45 in 1 day
MF Laps : Numbere Uno
First of all its Joe Cool. Second of all go to the park's site to find out all you need to know.

Live for FUN!

I already did i can't find it !

I hate Snoopy !
Raptor Laps : 23
Mantis Laps : 20
Blue Streak Laps : 63 ~~ 45 in 1 day
MF Laps : Numbere Uno
ok update on Joe Cool Pass , It is for season pass holders only , It is 15 extra dollars with it u get discounts on merchandise and hotels as well as special oppetunitys only for Joe Cool Pass member holders like getting in the park early on a certain date , Short ride times etc.
here's the web site for it

Thanks MagnumFAN

Raptor Laps : 23
Mantis Laps : 20
Blue Streak Laps : 63 ~~ 45 in 1 day
MF Laps : Numbere Uno *** This post was edited by Noles4cal on 6/1/2001. ***

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