What part is your favorite of MF?
There is that awesome first DROP!!!! :)
14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
"Dont post if there is nothing to post about"
For me I love the first drop, but the section from the 2nd overbank to the 3rd overbank is also very good.
1st drop!!!!!!!
Not much else to say
For me the best part of the Force is every second between the time I step in line til the time I walk down the exit ramp.
daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 023
'00 M. Force Count:043
The first drop know doubt but, the third hill is cool to because you get a little airtime off it!
Dan said it best.
Raptor Flights: 5
Force Rides: 4
Definately, the drop. Don't sit in the back if you want airtime tho, cuz I can say that I got NONE! But I don't care because airtime doesn't really do anything for me anyway.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Either the drop or the first and last banked turns.
MF Rides: 2
The speed. But not the bugs that come with it.
Oops... I rode it again!
spreading your arms, looking down, and the feeling like your flying around the steeply made embanked turns!!
new MF photos
Getting to the loading station without any major delays or the ride being shutdown. The whole ride is great. I like the lift hill, because the ride UP and DOWN are both great.
BTW was that Mr. Kinzel and his wife riding first car, first ride yesterday. The couple looked like the ones in the drop of MF in the GTTP gallery?
Corporate was riding in the front car later in the day yesterday.
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
*** This post was edited by Scooter on 5/18/2000. ***
Starting from the excitement with the announcement in '99, the slow drag of the off-season, checking the web cam and CP Place every day for an ounce of new info, watching the clock turn slowly at work the day before (5/16) you can go (5/17), the pure terror that sets in when you first see it on the Causeway, the anticipation and frustration of a 3 hour wait, the last gasp of air at the top of the lift and the smile you have the rest of the day when you see the on-ride picture.
On the contrary, I think JasB67 said it best.
Millennium Force: As fast as a male horsefly!
Now that's a Quote of the Moment if I ever saw one!