Best of eBay

O.K. boys and girls, it's time to put on those thinking caps and decide what is your most prized CP item you bought on eBay, and why it's your most prized item. Mine whould have to be my 1989 Park Fun Guide, and 1989 Brochure. I value them most because...well...Magnum of course.

Note: My winter bordom is soooo bad right now that I am bidding on more CP items than any time before.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
LuvRaptor's avatar
EBay has gotten me into soooo much trouble! So far I have bought a '95 Park Guide (announcing the "birth" of Raptor) a postcard from 1975 - a postcard from 1952 - 3 CP jiggers (yes-shot glasses) and my most prized possession to date:
my Raptor patch!! Need to stay OFF that website!
Would LOVE to beable to bid on a Magnum patch without having to cost me more than 20.00!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
With out a shadow of a doubt the most prized item I have gotten off eBay is the 125 Summers Park Flag that I am getting this week for my birthday :)

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Hey Dan is your user name Bmwwoz? if it is Mine is Family and im winning the banshee pin at the moment(even through you wont sell it because the reserve is 15 dollers) but oh well
I'm waiting for a Magnum 10th flag to show up on that site. MFBoy- Don't go any higher than what you have for that's not worth it. Be patient. Banshee pins show up on eBay every so often, and you sure be able to get a better price on one. I passed up a couple oppertunities to bid on one and I am glad I did. I won an auction on one a few weeks back. Origionally I thaught that I was only going to receive one of them along with a Magnum 10th button. But the seller ended up sending me 2 Banshee pins and the Magnum pin. All together it only cost me $10. for this package. Just wait a while, and you should be able to get one cheep.

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP *** This post was edited by Vince on 2/29/00. ***
Hey Thanks alot for the advice i will wait. That was my first bid on anything and i was just bidding to see if they would sell under 15 which i know they wont. But i guess i will have to wait thanks for helping me! nice to know someone cares THANKS!!
Well MFBOY if you have been around on this site for a while you know that my origional screen name was airtime205 which is the same name I use on eBay.

PS. I have a Magnum flag and its not going anywhere near ebay!

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
How much did you pay for it Dan? Have you seen any on eBay yet? If so, how much did it go for?

"CP is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest at CP
Honestly I didn't pay a dime for it. It was a gift from a person who would like to remain nameless. Infact I don't even the persons name. I just got it a few weeks ago, the person put down a fake name on the package and I have no clue who it was. I met this person online and wanted to sell it but after I told her my story that person said that they would just give it to me. If you are reading this or might know who sent it to me tell them I said thanks.
daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801

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