Banshee Or Mantis?

If you could make the desicion to change the name of Mantis to Banshee would you do it or keep the name the same?

My 200th post!

MF Count: 11
I can't stand political correctness. I hate the fact that people are so overly sensitive that corporations have to bend over backwards to make sure that nobody is offended by anything.

In that vein, BANSHEE!!!

Duane Cahill
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It's who counts the votes!
I understand you point and it is very well taken DBCahill, but in my humble opinion, I would leave it as MANTIS...working in PR here in Michigan, I can tell you first hand how ugly things can get...With that said, the LAST THING a park like CEDAR POINT needs is a controversary over a stupid name for a great roller I say let the name stay, and keep the controversary quiet...I also find it amusing to note that many, many, many CEDAR POINT fans that I talk to have NEVER even heard of the BANSHEE Controversary to begin with :)

I heard the rumors of the Banshee controversy, as you put it, and it makes me wonder that if the name Banshee was so bad, what about the Demon Drop or the Witch's Wheel?

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wow ,that's sort of what I was kind of thinking CrystalKat ,but never really thought it was something others would even care to hear about.
And as far as I am concerned ,just like in the coaster colors thread, I will have to say they could call it Dog Turd and I would bet it would be just as fun to ride to me ,LoL

if I used spell check on this post ,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
Crystal made some great points! I don't know if there was/ was not any controversary about the DEMON DROP or WITCHES' WHEEL...from what I understand/ have been told...BANSHEE was such a bad name becuase it was a "mythical creature" that stole children in the night (I may be wrong on that)..and that is why I believe the PR peeps changed it..but not sure on the DROP or WHEEL, but it is a great point....maybe we should call PR at CP and ask them...might do that on Monday ;)

What about the name Madusa. A mystical creature that would change any person to stone that looked into her eyes.

MF Count: 11
That's what I thought when I heard the name Medusa...

The banshee is a mythical creature that screams at a person that is about to die.

I would have LOVED the name Banshee if they would have kept it, but I think that Mantis is a fine name for...well Mantis. I think that the name Banshee should be saved for a certain wooden twister...

Then, we could scream like a banshee!
I've heard tales that when Turn Of The Century at Six Flags Great America was re-worked into Demon, the huge sign near the entrance had a cage with red eyes staring out, signifying the demon within, I suppose.

Apparently, after some complaints, the sign had to be altered, and the eyes were removed.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Let me know how it turns out! *Winks*

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Banshee all the way. I do wonder about the names on other rides. Not so much WW, but Demon Drop. Now I would be more upset by riding something with the name of Demon than Banshee. Banshee fits that coaster perfectly, all in the way the ride "screams" overhead of the waiting passengers!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
I'd have to say Banshee too! For some reason that name seems to "fit" the ride better. Something about the location & the station... don't know exactly how to put it, but Banshee just seems to suit it better.

Banshee all the way. It makes much more sense than a mutated bug. You know that must have taken like 5 minutes to think that explanation up. the logo for the Banshee is much cooler too.

Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
I don't think the name was that bad. I mean yes there are rides called Demon and things like that. Medusa...There is no real damage there because who believes in that? I mean I wouldn't like if someone name a roller coaster SATAN or something like that, but to me unless this is mainstream Theology and not Mythology, I have no problem with it

Mantis- It fits because the OTSR kind of look like Mantis Claws. I like the name MANTIS over Banshee even if they could have been a little more creative with it. Colors fit also.

Banshee- I think it is a tight idea. Only thing is, when I think of Banshee I think of a more grey color over the light vibrant colors of Mantis. I like the logo more and it would have been a better story line/concept than Mantis. Also with the whole Banshee and screaming, I think the slogan "Stand Up and Scream" would be better.

Overall I do like Mantis, Banshee is cool too, but if I had to pick I think I would go with (whisper like the a karate ninja and gets into the praying mantis pose) MANTISSSSSS

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point. *** This post was edited by Magnum2G3 on 12/10/2000. ***
doesent one of cedarpoints other parks have a coaster with the banshee logo(maybe its steel force).
You're right Hothitz - the Steel Force logo very much resembles Banshee's. Here though the hooded figure has fingers of steel protruding from under the sleeves of his robe reaching out for the letters in "Steel Force".

Here's a thought I just had...

If Banshee is such a great name, why hasn't another park picked up on it? Just playing devil's advocate here. I like the name.

Duane Cahill
It's not who votes that counts.
It's who counts the votes!
Speaking of other Cedar Fair rides with similar logos...The Talon Logo is very similar to the Raptor's. Does this lend to the idea that maybe they don't have creative ideas for ride names or logo's anymore? I mean, a raptor (if taken in the sense of the VelociRAPTOR) uses its TALON to kill its prey...just a thought, although, I don't mind if they do it that way
Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 35
Holiday World has a ride called Banshee. Granted, it isn't a stand-up roller coaster or even a coaster at all....

CP Ride Operations '99-'00

*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 12/11/2000. ***
OKay Raptor that Cedar Point is talking about is a bird of prey, not the Dinosaur
BirdOfPrey00, you should know that, as your name implies.

hothitz, Ghostrider also resembles the Banshee logo very well.

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