I was just wondering if anyone has had any ironic bad luck when they have went to CP? Personally I had two experiences last year, my basement flooded two different times while i was at CP two different days last year i thought it was kind of ironic that the only two times my basement flooded last year was while i was enjoying myself at CP Oh well.
My cat threw up on the carpet. :(
-Matthew Couts
And your POINT is...
My basement just flooded when 6 inches of rain fell in two days while I was at the point. I live near Cincinnati and it just happened last week!
I didn't have anything happen while I was gone, but I did have an accident on the way down to CP. I accidentally drove an Exacto blade through my arm and had to go to the hospital on Rt 2 just east of I-75. We (hubby and I) didn't make it to the park that day. There was also this one day that it just rained and rained harder the closer we got to the park. Thirty minutes from the entrance, it started to hail. The minute we turned around and went back home, the sun came out. No joke!
Exacto blade in the arm...ouch!
Interesting topic. Let's see...
(Here's a morbid one)
When I was younger, our family came home to find that my Grandmother, who had been baby-sitting our house, had to deal with the death of our Britney-Spaniel.
(Here's one that you wish your home-owner's deductible was lower on.)
Another year-the night before we left for Cedar Point, we were in the middle of packing, and our street had a power outage. Besides having to use a little wrist-watch to wake my family up in the morning, the power outage continued for three days. When we returned, we had a fridge full of food to dispose of.
-Dave Kochman
Well, My Dog died when I was at Busch Gardens Willaimsburg. :(
2001 Force Laps-101
2001 Magnum Laps-220
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100
Oh yeah, this is great...bring everyone down so they don't want to go to the park. "I don't want to go to the amusement park today...my house will catch fire." j/k
My cat threw up on the carpet while I was at CP as well :(
That and my dog had no testes upon returning, so I am pretty sure he will not wish me to go to CP anymore....
Poor mutt... :(
www.TheAmazementPark.com "If everything seems undercontrol, you're not going fast enough!"
Wow, these just keep getting better and better...or is that worse and worse...