Bad Experiences at CP

What are some of you guy's worst expereinces at CP, mine is whien were in line for the bird (Raptor) last July (the 23) it kept on breaking down and this employee walked by and we asked him how long it would be to get it fixed (the train was stuck in the trim brake run) and he said it would be better to just get out of line, so we did and The Raptor started to work right when we got out and it was fine the rest of the day! THAT MADE ME MAD!!!

its the ride, not the records!

When I went last Agust, I went with my cousin and my uncle from California. Every thing was compared to Magic Mountian. That was extremely annoying.

Then mid-day, it rained, and after it stopped, we got in line for Cedar Creek Mine Ride. The attendent said that the ride was down from the rain, so of course, after she said that, he had to ask twice when the ride was going to open. Then, while standing in the line, waiting for the queue to open, he had to scream at everyone who walked by "They don't know when it's gonna open!"

Now if I had a brick, and no one was looking...

Wow, a whole 100 laps on Gemini...Weaklings... Try 13 on Corkscrew! ;)
Screw laps: 13 and counting
lol intamin2k!

The most annoying thing I encountered at Cp was a bunch of line jumping "gangsters" that thought they were cute by using the vending machines in the raptor's que to sneak through the first half of the line. I was so annoyed this guy snuck up through the turnstiles "to get a Pepsi" then all the pepsi was "offered" tofriends(all seven of them) one by one. this cute little trick got half of them through the line with about a half hour less waiting time. Many were ticked. Many were afraid to speak. I thought of mentioning it to the ride ops when I made it to the platform, but thought I might get knifed later for it if the ride ops busted them.
That was the most annoying thing I encountered and they cut behind me,,,! hee hee!
I wish you would have said something to us! I loved busting line jumpers. I had more people get mad at me for making them go back to the end of the line. I caught 1 guy 4 times on the same day!
2000 Raptor Crew
Damn it mole! Were you there on sunday afternoon? I rolled it over and over in my mind weather or not to narc on these hoods! It really ticked me off! There were seven of them and they looked rather scary so I thought I better just keep my mouth shut!

I wish I would have been there! I couldn't come back this season :( If it happens again tell Chris if he's working that Kevin said to bust them. He'll take care of it for me. I had a lot of fun showing people the definition of line jumping on the entrance sign. I hated to hear they took the signs out. Oh well, I guess that's "progress".

2000 Raptor Crew
I've seen SO MANY line jumpers this year already! Several at Magnum; one REAL stupid group of idiots who CLIMBED THE FENCE ON THE EXIT RAMP OF FORCE, get back in line, and think they rock. BEEEEE...they got busted before their feet hit the queue!

Worst experience I had at CP was the jerk host on's a long story but the guy made a fool out of myself AND him by being a butthole about the front seat. Nuff said.
*-CP Irvine-* I know who's fault it is!
*The FewER, The Proud, The Po!nter Girls*
MF breaking down??????????????????????????????????????


A bad day at CP is better than a good day at work.
My worst day? Well I believe it was the 4th of July, very hot day out, and I was in Raptor line right at the top about to go in, talking to the op, power outage on half the park. Go back to the hotel, power outage there too, room was hot cause the air conditioning wasn't working. Lights are on everythings just fine. Go to bed 3 in the morning some butthead pulls the fire alarm for no reason and we have to evacuate(sp). That afternoon heading back to the hotel and my friends brother decides he wants the see the floors go by when we are in the elevator. Nope that doesn't work so we are stuck for a half hour with some lady yelling at us on the other side. That elevator was hot too. Shoot me a reply if you were there during the power outage last year and if anything exciting happened....
Line Jumpers...I went this past Thursday, and caught a few...I flipped out my wallet and showed them my season pass, (covered up the part that actually says season pass), and told them that I was undercover Cedar Point Line Jumper police. I told them I would kick them out of the park or let them go back to the beginning of the line. They apologized to me like five times before leaving the Millennium queue friends thought it was very funny :)


LOL! Nice Mikey. :)
Wow, a whole 100 laps on Gemini...Weaklings... Try 13 on Corkscrew! ;)
Screw laps: 13 and counting
Like I've said before, the only bad experience I've had with Cedar Point is driving home after a great day...

arrrrrr...kinda puts a tear to me one good eye....arrrrrrr....
I saw the occasional line jumper last week as well, but nothing too extreme.

Leaving the Point is the worst experience I've had. We were going to extend our trip another day, but the weather was looking bleak, so we left looking like Santa had skipped our house Christmas morning.
Knowing I'll be back next year (hopefully for a one week stay) helps ease the pain........

First we Rock - then we Roll!
I'm not that picky, but smoking in line is bad. I don't smoke and I'm not trying to offend smokers. There are signs that say smoking in line is against the rules. I was in the Raptor line a few weeks ago and this guy was a huge chain smoker. If you can't wait thirty minutes to smoke you need help.

The other experience that I had was on the CP&LE RR. We just got on the train by the MF. The train starts and my kids are commenting about the MF line. That's when some guy jumps out of line and runs over to one of the MF supports and starts can I put this. If you could conceive a roller coaster that way, he would have had twins. My kids start asking what that guy is doing. I end up telling them that he's checking the supports. Usually the CP police are standing in that area, but nobody saw him... That has to be the first and only time I've seen anything like that.
Get with it or die in the process.....
Not letting me ride Jr. Gemini. ;)
Colorado Avalanche 1-0. Go Avs!

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