Bad Apples During Coastermania

Talking with Magnum ride ops during Coastermania and the next day,I was disqusted to hear that some attendees were flat out rude with the crew when it came to the lap bars. Some went as far as cussing at the ops! Don't get me wrong,I like my bar up as much as the next guy! But I usually keep it within reason. If found trying to get by with it up far,you'll get stapled. And if you do get stapled,SO WHAT!! TAKE IT LIKE A MAN AND ENJOY THE BEST RIDE IN THE PARK!!
As long as we have idiots purposely standing up on the ride,it is something we will have to put up with. It has been a problem the past month with the guests.
How can we gain respect as enthusiasts when some of us are creating the problems!!! GROW UP!!
You know what Jerry I would think that most people on this board really wouldn't do that, throw this post over to RRC.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 71/442
'00 M. Force Count:48/310
Pete's avatar
It's been my experience that most of the four letter words come from certain people in a club whose initials are three letters long. This attitude of “I’m an enthusiast, so I don’t have to follow the rules”, that some people have, really shows an incredible display of immaturity. I saw a display on the Mean Streak platform a couple of years ago that really made me feel embarrassed for the people involved. A lady who wore a jacket from the above mentioned club, apparently in her 40’s, delayed the train for about 5 min. over a lap bar. She was in the face of the ride op, similar to a Major League manager arguing with the umpire. The profanity spewing from her was similar also. Finally, she wanted out of the train and in protest (in her own mind) refused to ride (like anyone cared if she rode). Certain enthusiasts need to learn to behave. The amusement parks owe them nothing, they are not special, they are just like everyone else. Matter of fact, the park’s bread and butter comes from coaster riders who visit once or twice a year, and from the families who come to CP as much for the Turnpike Cars as for Millennium Force, not from enthusiasts who make *this is a family board* of themselves.

*** This post was edited by Brandon on 6/6/2000. ***
I have to agree with everything that was said here so far. I saw this type of attitude on closing day last year. I couldn't actually believe the mentality of some people when they actually made themselves believe that the park "owed" them last ride on Magnum. I was in the second to last train, and that was perfectly fine with me. The park doesn't owe me anything.

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:36
I've seen similar behavior, and it's enough to make me consider dropping my membership in said 3-letter club and join one of the other, smaller ones. I refuse to wear any merchandise of said club because WHILE at the park I don't want to be associated with them by the GP...

It's a shame -- coaster enthusiasts SHOULD be setting an example for the rest of the patrons (and I don't mean a BAD one ;) )

I made it a point to THANK the ride ops who'd gotten up early, or worked late, for CoasterMania. There was one op, especially, that I got to thank -- she'd been on Raptor during the ERT, then that afternoon I spotted her on Blue Streak. I commented to her "weren't you running Raptor this morning?" and she smiled ear-to-ear, "I didn't think anyone would remember me..." :)

MF count: 4
Gemini's avatar
I don't belong to any group. The major reason why and the reason I try not to stick out in any way while at CP is because I don't want to be labeled an enthusiast.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
And people say teenagers are out of control!
Jeff's avatar
I agree, it is embarassing anymore to be lumped in with the enthusiast group, especially THAT group. I'm a European Coaster Club member, and I understand that the Brits are always good fun when they visit the US.

We have an interesting group at Cedar Point. We laugh, scream our heads off on Mine Ride, and we're even friends with a lot of the ride ops. When the day's over, we talk about our day over a beer, not a detailed description of each ride. Dare I say that some people have just gone too far beyond enthusiasm and in to an elitist snobby ritual where one's self worth coincides with their track record. It's like a Trekkie convention only no Bill Shatner. Time for a life!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 25
I won't bother to recount the absurd actions I have seen enthusiasts inflict on CP employees at Coastermania over the years, but I have seen some amazing things. I also agree that the GTTP people I have met seem to have a more realistic view of things and are more fun. If I had to pick, I would take Mine Ride with you guys.
But in defense of ACE, I have to say that it is a very big and very diverse group of people. There are a lot of nice folks in that club that are there to have a good time as well.
I didn't renew my --- membership this year. I figured with the internet, I could find out enough and go where I wanted without a big production. I went to one of their events 2 summers ago at Kennywood. There IS an elitist attitude amoung MANY (not all) members. It's sort of like high school- the more coasters you were on, the more you were revered. I was just there to have fun. People couldn't believe when I blew off the last 2 days to go to CP (at that point, I'd never been there yet). The last 2 days consisted of a cruise around some river by Pittsburgh (ugh)and a awards banquet (double ugh). I chose wisely going to CP. I was also quite uncomfortable with (don't flame me for this)getting hit on several times by other single members- I'm a guy and so were they. Don't get me wrong, I had a good time, but it's not something I go out of my way for again. Being in a club DOES NOT entitle you to any special perks, unless the club is having a convention at the park. I would be the first to speak up if I saw a club member engaging in abrasive behavior- when you sign up, they send you a list of what's not acceptable. Argueing with ride ops and standing up on rides is at the top of the list. Mostly everyone who hangs on this site seems to be a little more relaxed and friendly. For that I say "Thank You" to all.
I was an UGGHHH member for three years. I haven't renewed my membership in the last two and a half years and I never plan on it. I am a member of ECC though.

My beef is that just becuase I ride Magnum a ton of times I'm labled an enthusiast by people at the park. When people mention the word enthusiast or the name of a three letter club I say one of two things.

I'm a PO!NTER and not an ___________ fill in the blank, enthusiasts or ACE member.

daniel j. haverlock
'00 Magnum Count: 71/442
'00 M. Force Count:48/310
Every hobby or pursuit seems to eventually produce a small minority of enthusiasts that get just a little too wrapped up in their passion. A few years ago I subscribed to a high-end stereo magazine to help put together a new system. I could not believe how caught up people were, writing passionate letters to the editor extolling this gizmo or that, aurguing endlessly about preamps and CD transports as if they were the most important thing in whole world. I realized I'm not an audiophile, but I am a music lover.

And the same applies to coasters. I love them, but I'm not so "enthusiastic" that I'm going to get my panties in wad because my lap bar is too tight or someone else got the last train of the season on Magnum. I don't even keep a track record. But I do have fun, and I wonder if those who've gone a little over the top in their passion can even say THAT anymore.

Dave McWilliams
I have to admit, I joined the aforementioned club this year for the first time. The sole purpose was to attend coastermania. Quite frankly, I feel that I have gained nothing from joining said group. Yes, coastermania was fun, but what did it offer that a normal day at the park did not? Ok, maybe a free lunch. But lines for ERT were just as long as if it were not an ERT. The publications put out by the said club are marginal at best, and are not very timely in their distributions. So I intend on not renewing my membership next year, rather I may in fact, give the ECC a try.

I too witnessed some of these bad apples last Friday. Having worked in the service industry years ago, I feel for the employees of the park that have to put up with these jerks. Seeing stuff like that just makes my blood boil!

Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
the problems with enthusiasts is not just at the point. i know this isn't all about cp but it is the same topic and i have kept quiet about this and now seems the good time to spill my guts. here goes
i was at sfo and the villain was down in the morning for an hour. they were testing so i waited outside the entrance. in front of me were 5 guys wearing their s:ros, raven, mf etc., T-shirts. they were talking about legend and star wars. i enthusiastically chimned in to their conversation at some points but stayed quiet for the most part. the rope was pulled off and villain was open. ok, so far these enthusiasts werent bad so far. i went up to the station and hopped in line for the back seat. four of them got on the last two rows, leaving one behind. the train came back (one train operation that day) and one of the guys (the youngest by far about 16) got out out of the train stood there, and sat back down with his other buddy. i almost had my leg in car and the kid just got right back on with his buddy. the gates closed behind me, they had to reopen them so i could get back in line, and that kid was just gave me an evil smile from ear to ear while some folks behind me yelled for the ops. The ops let him go and i believe they said something to him when he got off. granted i got on next train, this just made me royally pissed that fellow cp, (he had a mf polo shirt on) sfo, and just general park lovers like I showed so much uncaringness to others. i know the moderator may delete this post, but i hope you dont. this type of problems just doesnt happen at my co-homepark Cedar Point, it happens at my other home park sfo and i just wanted to get my point across-
we come on here everyday and post about coasters, parks, and the like. we watch shows on the discovery channel and order videos. some of us even are in clubs. we are coaster enthusiasts. we are not 'special' from the GP in any way(except for coastermania and we know the low-down on parks). please respect people, the rides, the park, and the workers next time you visit any park. if you don't you may ruin someone's day like what that kid did to my day
I'm a Coaster Zombie. =)

It's not to say that all ACErs are idiots. The ACErs at TimberFest 2000 were well behaved.

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