Babies at Cedar Point?

I am a new daddy and a Cedar Point fan? Can I take my baby to the Point this summer or not? If anyone has experience with young ones in the park please share them.

Should I bring the little guy with me, or do I need to leave him home?
If your baby is tall enough to ride the coaster.. I'd say go for it. If its not tall enough then you could still bring it, just bring a bike lock so you can lock the stroller and baby to a pole so nobody will steel it while your enjoying Milennium force. :)

(just hope I'm never a Dad myself)
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point." *** This post was edited by kakarot on 4/7/2000. ***
I would wait at least until he's around three or four - a day at the Point with a VERY young one wouldn't be much fun (I don't think). Not to mention, he's probably too young to remember any of the venture anyhow.

Give him a few years - leave him at home for now.

Author's note: I'm not a Dad (yet), but from what I've seen, parents who bring toddlers don't seem to be having that good of a time. I think my first trip to the Point was in 1976 (5yrs. old) and I can barely remember it. Do yourself a favor - leave your son with Grandma and/or Grandpa and have a good time!!!
*** This post was edited by Mango Madness on 4/7/2000. ***
Speaking from experience (I took a one month old to CP), INFANTS should not stop you from visiting the Point. What will change is YOUR Point experience. We now have two children (8 & 5 years old) who we take to the Point with us. The 8 year old will be tall enough for the Magnum this year!!
Every year, my wife & I have an ADULTS ONLY day, this is selfish some may say, but we go and ride coasters, coasters and more coasters.
The thing to keep in mind with infants and small children is pacing. Remember CP IS A PHYSICALLY DEMANDING DAY. Keep the young ones, rested and fed throughout the day.
I know I have carried on long winded on this subject, back to the point. If it is your ONLY visit to the park for the season, I would leave small children at home unless you are bringing along a NON-rider with you to "babysit" while you ride coasters. (grandmothers work GREAT for this). If you are a season pass holder take the kids, it really is a DIFFERENT day with little ones. (last year at closing we RAN to catch the last ride on ... THE MIDWAY CAROUSEL!!!)

You can get a special ride pass. It is a baby swap pass.
i first rode corkscrew when i was 5 or 6. my dad said he brought me on log rides when i was 3. maybe that was at another park but he wasnt kidding(was he? cant you be under 48 in. but have to have an adult?). i know these days you couldnt do it. i dont remeber it anyway so it doesnt matter. anyway i am only 14 so i dont have kids so i dont know what to tell you so i will just stop typing like a babbiling idiot and look at some more force pics.
"I'm a jerk I'm a PUNK took a shower cause I stunk", Blink 182's Degenerate
I went to Islands of Adventure and we have an 18 month old. They have the baby swap thing and it is the best thing! My husband would wait in line and I would be at the exit with the baby in the stroller. After he rode, he took the baby and I took his place. IOA's baby swap even had rooms with changing tables and water fountains. I read somewhere that CP has the same baby swap thing, but you have to get a pass somewhere when you enter the park!

Teresa T
Thanks for the information Old Timer. I understand what the other two people were saying because I remember thinking that visitors who took babies to the park were crazy. I would only say that having one of your own changes some of these attitudes. I have seen many people cart around little ones and was looking for tips from people who have done it.
Thanks for any ideas you may be able to share.

What is a baby swap pass?
I, too, took infants to the Park--although toddlers are much more fun!!

Babies are a lot of work, whereever you are--but some preplanning can make it a very enjoyable day and you won't have to be worried about how he is , ect....Distilled water and powdered formula (which he has become accustomed to long before the trip)will be a big help, as well as a variety of sealed baby juices,a steady supply of Cheerieos and a favorite powder to help combat heat rash...several changes of clothes will help with that as well...and sunscreen!!!

if he has a favorite musical toy that he is used to napping with, it can sometimes drown out all the extra unfamiliar noise and help with the needed rest. There are shaded spots throughout the Park (I used the Gazebo in Frontier Town or spots along the Trail--though the Force may make that obsolete..)

Another thing that worked for me was to take a blanket and stretch it out on the grass back in Frontier Town so he can move around a bit. The pace is much different with a tiny one--isn't it with everything? I also tended to backback mine that needed the contact, or perfered to be more upright, though by the end of the day,,,,

over the years I have taken more than 20 little ones (under 5)though never more than 8 at a time.. and have enjoyed each trip! Good luck!
It is a pass that allows one member of the party to wait with the infant while the other member(s) ride. When the member(s) is/are finished, the member with the baby can ride without a wait. These are available at Park Operations. (I think that is what it is called) It is in the Coliseum (sp). It is also known as the big building with a rotunda. The door is on the KiddieLand side.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I have a newborn too mannes..she will be 1.5 months by then..I am taking her for the thrill of all the picture ops during the day..and my parents are going too so we can still ride all coasters we want...


Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
If you take the kid(s)! Take pics at a certain spot and every year you go back take another pic at the same spot. It's really cool to see them grow through out the years! I suggest the indian statue in the Breakers, Camp snoopy fountain, the waterball fountain,in front of a ride sign(EX:Mantis), theres a whole bunch of spots at the Po!nt!!!! So enjoy and good luck!!!!!

"Will people think I'm a stranger, if my best friend was born in a manger"
Jesus Freak
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
thanks newt..great idea!!


Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
No problem anytime!!!!!!!

"We are all colored people!!!"
dc Talk---colored people
Jeffery Spartan! I also am a Spartan fan, 91 grad! Are you amazed by all the State fans that are in the park. I always wear somthing MSU when I go to the park and can't believe how many comments that it gets.
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
96 grad here mannes..also a new dad just like yourself..congrats..I'm not too amazed with all the Spartans that hit CP..only because Cp and the State of Michigan always have a huge number of followers..I was told by CP's Marketing dept that its virtually identical to the amount of Ohioians who attend CP on a yearly basis...I don't know how they track that other than license plates... Good luck with the little Tyke

Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
heres a link for more info regarding the Parents/Baby Swap pass at CP...


Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA

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