A couple christmases ago I bought a video for 4.99 entitled "Awesome Rides" for my little brother and sister. It's part in a series that includes "Awesome Trains/Boats/Machinery/etc".
Anyways, last night I just decided to watch it (being in a coaster mood after the special :) )
well I'm glad I did. Almost 95% of the footage was at CP. They showed complete rides on Mean Streak, Magnum, and partial rides on Iron Dragon, Wildcat, Blue Streak, even the inside of DT (and you could see a couple lasers!!) as well as the big wheel (before it was relocated) monster, thunder canyon, mine ride, and many more. I couldn't believe it.
Yes, the video is for kids, and it has cheezy music and they show some stuff more than once (I think the magnum first hill is showed about 4 times going up) BUT it was before a lot of changes were made in the park (raptor, mantis, MF) and for 4.99, it's great.
Does anyone have this tape?
If you want to find it, look in those "Bargain Video" racks for $4-7 at Best Buy and Media Play, etc. cuz thats where I found it.
I just checked eBay..They are auctioning off 1 copy as we speak (If anyone cares! :) )
*** This post was edited by jesserina on 7/17/2001. ***
I actually watched this video last weekend. It was mostly CP. It's a video for younger kids -very cheesy. (hence the lady announcer talking like she's speaking to kindergarten kids).
I cracked up when they were showing Mean Streak and she said "Some wooden roller coaster reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour!"
I also noticed them showing the same rides over and over, and they acted like they were completely different rides.
yeah I have that tape, got it more than a year ago very corney.
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
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