Question for those people who were around in 86 & 85, did they sell shirts, waterbottles, mugs, buttons, patches, etc. with the ride logos on them. I would love to get something with those logos on it. I only have ONE item from each ride, I have the DT patch and an AR button but would love to atleast see whats out there.
daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 329
'01 force: 16
I'm a hardcore fan of Disaster Transport, I never got a chance to ride Avalanche Run because it opened the year I was born and by the time I was tall enough to ride it, it had already been converted to Disaster Transport. Anyway, EVERY YEAR I search for Disaster Transport merchandise and have yet to find ANY, it's hard enough to find Iron Dragon merchandise. Cedar Point markets the stuff that people know, you're gonna have a lot more people noticing a shirt that says "I Survived Magnum/Millennium Force/Raptor" because they're the most popular coasters over something like a shirt that says "Iron Dragon" or "Disaster Transport" because NOBODY is gonna know what that is! Kind of a shame I suppose...but us DT fans want in on the merchandisable action here!
I stay crunchy...even in milk!
They have ID merch?? Where??
The Pagoda Gift Shop erratically has Iron Dragon T-shirts in, I have a couple that I bought when I saw them, theres also a very small gift shop near the front of the park on the left side of the midway as you're exiting that sometimes has a few rarities
I stay crunchy...even in milk!
Anyone have a pic of the AR logo? I have never seen it. Thanks!
"Where da party at?! Girls is on da way, where da BACARDI at?!!"
If I had a scanner, I'd upload the picture from the 1985 brochure, but I don't--sorry man.
Yeah, I'd like to see that too BCspartans...
Wow, a whole 100 laps on Gemini...Weaklings... Try 13 on Corkscrew! ;)
Screw laps: 13 and counting
Well,1989 was my 1st time at CP since AR opened. I'm sure they did have merchendise.
As for the Logo,I have it uploaded to my yahoo photo page. Hit the link below and choose the MISC album. It is the last pic at bottom right. ~jerry~
Thanks Jerry.
By the way, you have some really good pictures :).
Wow, a whole 100 laps on Gemini...Weaklings... Try 13 on Corkscrew! ;)
Screw laps: 13 and counting
There are usually Iron Dragon shirts around sporadically (check the shop back by the Gemini), and some of them are pretty nice. The only Disaster Transport merchandise that I've seen in the giftshops myself was years ago, and it's only a postcard (artist's conception, so that would make it most likely 1990-91). In '97, a guest gave my assisstant team leader on Disaster a sipper bottle with the logo on it that was all neon so that it would glow under the black lights of the ride. Pretty nice of the guest, considering you can never find the stuff anymore! Ah well.
Personally, it's a pet peeve of mine that CP doesn't offer at least SOME decent souvenirs of all the coasters. At least a shirt or two, postcards, logo stuff would be nice.
A quick recommendation: if they still have them, there are tank top "checklists" that have all the coasters on them, including ID and DT -- I have one, because it's the only shirt I've ever found with DT!
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Why did they change the name to Disaster Transport anyways?
Every year a new coaster's opened, there's a run of merchandise for it. As people have said, tho, the less popular fades away. Starting in '82, I started my long-running tradition of getting a hat or shirt of whatever was new, that year a WWL t-shirt (LONG since faded away). In '85 I got an Avalanche Run hat, but that too's long since vanished. The oldest thing I still have is my '87 Iron Dragon sweatshirt, tho after 14 years, it's about a size too small, so it's nailed up on a wall in the basement den.
My favorite's still my 3rd felt-green billed Raptor hat, having worn the first two out.
I think one of my favorite shirts I got from Cedar Point was one that said "I Survived Mean Streak AND The Magnum XL-200" the shirt was partially a lie considering I was wore it while I was too chicken to go on the Magnum that didn't happen for another 5 years!
I stay crunchy...even in milk!
Eerm..nevermind this post
I stay crunchy...even in milk!
*** This post was edited by DargonZetaQuell on 6/20/2001. ***
Wow, this is the first time I felt old on here. Now, I know I'm not old, but with all these people saying that they were born after AR became DT and even Dan saying he never saw AR. I was 8 or 9 years old, and I remember AR. Never rode it, I was scared of all coasters. Didn't start riding until I was around 14 yrs old or so.
Again, I'm no Old Timer Tim (;)), but this thread makes me feel older than I have in a while.
Anyways, back on topic, I know there were things sold, but I never bought any of that stuff. Waste of money in my parents eyes.
(a.k.a. UCSfijoawehgtghafa)
MF 2K1: 4
MF life: 12
Thanks Jerry! Good pics!
"Where da party at?! Girls is on da way, where da BACARDI at?!!"
My first trip ever to the park was in 1990 so I never AR once!
daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 329
'01 force: 16
But now you know I feel when some of the youngsters on this site don't even know some of the rides I worked on ever existed at CP?..(such as Shoot The Rapids, Mill Race and the REAL WESTERN CRUISE.)
I found some home movies of a slew of old CP rides last week. AR, WC, and MR are all on there.
It's so weird to see them again. Wish I could get them on the net.
Gemini 100: 100
You're welcome!
I hope to add some Historic CP things to my website in the next week or so. I have alot of old brochures. Even a reservation form for Hotel Breakers dating 1969. My parents used to keep everything! It's really cool to look back on Old CP!