Jeff keeps surprising us with all these wonderful promo videos. Unfortunately, when I try to play them, I get audio only, and no video. This happens with both Raptor and Mantis. Anybody else having this problem? More importantly, anybody know what I can do to see the video? Would really like to see these!!!!
Thanks so much, in advance, for any help...
Perhaps you need a newer media player version. I think there's an auto-update in there somewhere. I've been able to watch the things on my Crapintosh at work, so I think the problem is at your end.
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
You hit it, sir. I currently had version, and auto-updated (is that a verb? :) to The videos now show!!!
I post this in case anyone else has the same problem. I'm running Windows 2000.
Thanks, Jeff!!!!