2001 Force Laps -130
2001 Magnum Laps-281
6/11/01 Gemini Laps- 100
I thought they broke 1994 last year, not sure.
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 8/31/2001. ***
I remember one day that may vie for lowest attendance - May 1997, there was a monsoon threatening to close the causeway (and I think it did), and the park was closed early at 6pm, nothing was open and most of the employees were sent home or sort of on-call that day. What a blast to be working there! I think the numbers that were figured out was that there were less than 90 people in the park, total. I heard everything from 16 to about 85, but nonetheless it was deserted.
PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
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