Attendance record?

what year did Cedar Point set their all time attendance record?
Better yet, what is Cedar Point's all time one day attendance?
I am pretty sure that 1994 had the largest attendance numbers.  For highest single day attendance that is a tough one.  Here is some food for thought on that one, there have been only FOUR days in the history of the park when the attedance was over 60,000 for one day!
daniel j. haverlock
Magnum: 637/1902
"I hate it when they don't race Mean Streak"

1. Last year
2. I don't know, but I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 40,000. I parked on the grass once!

2001 Force Laps -130 
2001 Magnum Laps-281
6/11/01 Gemini Laps- 100

60,000, Jesus!

I thought they broke 1994 last year, not sure.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 8/31/2001. ***

The day with the most visitors  (last year) was October 14th day before closing it was insane. Im not sure of all time though.




October 14th was insane, we went back to the hotel at 6, and didn't go back until the next day.
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Proud member of the O.C.
I was there that day. Nothing quite like waiting 1:09 for the Mean Streak. Didn't most of the food stands run out of food as well?
I think any record like that is subjective, really. You can't really compare a Saturday to mid-week, and the hours the park is open are a factor as well. What about starlight admissions, would those count as well? You could go for a straight total, but any statistics are rarely as "factual" as they're made out to be.

I remember one day that may vie for lowest attendance - May 1997, there was a monsoon threatening to close the causeway (and I think it did), and the park was closed early at 6pm, nothing was open and most of the employees were sent home or sort of on-call that day. What a blast to be working there! I think the numbers that were figured out was that there were less than 90 people in the park, total. I heard everything from 16 to about 85, but nonetheless it was deserted.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters

so what YEAR was the highest attended year in CP history?

MF...taking thrills to new heights!

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