Assigned Seats

I know many of the same questions have been asked many times... but, I was just wondering if the Ride Ops have been letting you pick your own seats lately??? I am going on Friday, and would really like to know. Thanks!! By the way, does anybody know what the crowds will be like?? J/K... we should get that FAQ up.
I was there Sunday and the park was dead. I didn't have to wait for MF for more than 45 min. They still had the assigned seating going on though. Usually, the crowd fills in the seats from front to back. You do not have to do this however, I went to the back seat whenever this happened. Hopefully noboby else steals it and they are all too afraid to be different so you, the smart and informed one, can grab the seat with the best airtime in the park!! Let me just give you the advice not to talk about sitting in the back when you are in line. You end up giving the people around you the idea to do that and then the people ahead of you beat you to it. So just keep it a secret and hope for the best. Hey if you really want the front, you can do what everyone else likes to do-"Tie your shoe" right at the entrance to the station so that the platform can fill up and you're not in it. Now who's first in line to pick whatever seat they want-of course YOU!


Are you kidding? I sat in the back and got ZERO airitme throughout the whole ride. It was fun, but no airtime.
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
If you go to they have a FAQ and the FAQ says that there not going to stop ith the assingd seats this year.

MF Rides: 2
MF Dream Rides:310
I beg to differ with airtime in the back seat. The past three times I have ridden the Force I have sat in the very back, and experienced airtime on all three rides.

Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:39
Time for me to try the very back.

Raptor Flights: 43
Force Rides: 19
B-Town thanks for the info - how come you never tell me that when you see me? jk

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
I went a week ago, and they had a "first come, first serve" assigned seat thing going on.
So if you are lucky to be the first one into the station, then you can pick whereever you want.
Gotta love those Amish women!
MF count: 3
All this disagreement on where the airtime is best on MF makes me wonder - is this coaster just that much more sensitive to all the different "variables" that can make a ride feel different? I mean, I'm no physics expert, but it seems to me that airtime might depend not only on where in the train you sit, but some other things as well, such as - how much you weigh (for example, at 115 lbs I think I'll probably come out of my seat more than my 210 lb husband), how your weight is distributed on your body, and maybe even the differing weights of the other people in the train & where they are sitting (load distribution of the train). Couple this with different wind directions & speed, temperatures, etc, and I think there are a few factors that could give two different people different experiences in the same seat. And based on some other things I've read here, it seems like MF may be a ride in which these things make more of a difference (eg, the discussion about how easily rollbacks & near rollbacks occur during testing on windy days, etc). Anyway, not trying to speak out of turn or act like an expert when I'm not, but just wondered what some of you thought about this. Looking forward to doing some of our own "field testing" later this month - I know I'll be scared as hell, but I'll never forgive myself if I don't ride it. I was scared of Magnum years ago, and ended up loving it, so I'll just try to remember that! (I basically got into coasters because of my husband - when you're married to someone who's not afraid of anything, you end up doing things you never thought you could!)

You can pick your friends & your nose, but you can't pick your seat on MF.
As a follow-up to Rockdown's response to getting zero airtime-I got airtime probably because I am 14 years old and weigh only 110. I think the weight thing has a lot to do with it as cheaprock said. If you're bigger than me, that could be it. MF doesn't have violent airtime like some of the hills to the return of the station on Magnum where you abruptly hit the lapbar. MF has floating airtime on the way down hills and over the gentle crests of the hills. And anyway the back would give you more airtime because as I said earlier-as the front picks up speed as it goes down the hill, the back is just cresting which would make the back crest hills at speeds of maybe 5-15? mph more than the front.

I hope you understood that.

Jeff's avatar
Hey, my 200 pound rump shaker gets out of the seat every time, every seat. CheapRock is right... it gives a different ride every time.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 27
It's actually the middle that conducts the train, the middle is the center of gravity. If the the train stops on the third hill and the middle hasn't crested, it will rollback, even though the front is on the descent side. The front and back crest parabolic hills, like the third hill, at the same speed. Hills with steeper ascents will result in better air in the front, hills with steeper descents will result in better air in the back. Air should be equal on parabolic hills, but that doesn't explain why the front has more air on the third hill than the back, I can't explain it.

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