Arrow PipeLine Next Year

Arrow is going to construct a Arrow Pipeline coaster next year at CP....according to reliable sources....this coaster was designed in the early 90's but never developed due to problems. This may not be the only coaster though....
Oh, really?
model/talent-- Pro Model Management Inc.
OU Forensics 2000-01
Gemini ATL 2001
Who are these mystery sources?
Im a lurker....
Hey man I think that might be it.It doesnt require much space.Those records can be shattered. Also I heard news about the new Arrow revolutionized pipe coaster which  is fixed from previous bugs.


"Cedar Points press release will shock you in 2002"

*** This post was edited by CedarPoint! on 9/29/2001. ***

I heard it was a TOGO pipeline.

2001 Force- 259  Magnum-444

I heard that there already was a pipeline, called Ultra Twister. It may be created by TOGO, but why buy a coaster with worse capacity that a TA2K.

Sorry dude, but this is one rumor that can be shot down faster than a US plane over Afghanistan. (dry humor...I hope nobody is offended by that)

There is a pipeline, actually, but it's not a Togo. Intamin built one. There is debate over whether it's a coaster or not, though, since it has a powered lead car.

That said, the Pipelines had atrocious capacity.

I'm not sure if we're talking about the same coaster, but on rcdb, it says that Ultra Twister in Six Flags AstroWorld, it was built by TOGO international. Here's the link:
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