Are the lap bars......????

I'm just wondering if the lap bars on the ride close tightly? Because I've been on rides where I thought I was going to fall out. The tighter they close, the more willing i'm able to put my hands up. So i'm wondering if that is that the same thing with MF????

Yeah. If you don't pull it tight, the ride ops will. And not as comfortably as you could've done it yourself....
aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
are the lapbars..... soft? are they soft or hard?
Jeff's avatar
They are soft, and they're the easierst bars to cheat I've ever seen.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 25
They are soft and they go down to any position. There are no "clicks", you just put it down as how much as you want it, there are no pre-set positions.

"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down
I think we should call it the "ab-bar" because it hits you right in the abs.
i like that the lap bars dont have pre-set positions because i am at that size where they lock really tight against me so its hard for me to cheat. i can not wait to ride. a few more days, a few more days
How do you cheat them?

14 and counting
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Next Cedar Point Trip: June/21 & 22/00
You can cheat the lap bars by ether putting your rist between the lap bar and your lap, but the usally ask you to remove your rist. The other way is you can put your legs up, by pressing on your tippy toes, and then relax after the ride starts.

MF Rides: 2
MF Dream Rides:310
The ride ops will push them down on ya. So if you want the peace of mind you can have it. But if you want them to stay loose LuvRaptor showed me the trick. Just scooch up in the seat, when the ride ops come by they will push them down.Presto they have done their job and you can have MAJOR airtime! :)
Doesnt that just magnify the risk of something happening to you?

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Next Cedar Point Trip: June/21 & 22/00
Jeff's avatar
Cheating is much more simple than that, but I'm not going to reveal my secret here. Let's just say I've never had less than three inches between me and the lapbar.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 27
Ride ops are not as stupid as they look. I rode a couple of times the other day and each time I tried to hold my bar up by holding my legs up and by sliding forward in the seat. Each time I was caught and asked to sit up straight.
Yeah I don't think we should expose the way to defeat the lapbar from being pushed down too tight, but it isn't hard to do. I don't like mine too tight either.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
One time I was on the Jurassic Park River Ride at IOA. The person sitting next to me was a little chinky and i'm a scrawny kid. The lap bars are like big huge pads and there is two connected for the two people sitting next to eachother. When we brought it down there was about a foot between me and the bar. When we got to the top i found a bar to hang onto under the bar. When we started to drop i was hanging on as tight as I could!! I was soooo scared that i was gonna fly out!! I know this has nothing to do with this topic but it had to do with lap bars. I just had an interesting story. VERY SCARY!! :)

Jeeeeez Jeff-that MF laps number grows by leaps and bounds every time I get on.

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