Anyone ride the Satellitte Jets?

I never got around to riding that ride. I guess it must have not interested me that much. It was not until the videos that came out in the 1990s that I realized what an important ride this was in that history of the park and them I regret not riding it at least once.
What the ride any fun.
I still miss that ride...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Sure, it was great (at least I loved it when I was young). It felt like you were going up extremely high for a ride like that and that you spun around pretty fast. Certainly felt superior to the Disney rocket rides in Tomorrowland.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Yeah I remember that one as a kid. I always thought it was so cool that you could control the height of your own Jet! Me and my friends used to always pretend we were chasing each other.


I loved the Sattelite Jets. I miss that ride more than most that have been removed. I rode that ride 3 or 4 times every time I went to the park.
Yep, I even have a picture of them:

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Sure... the ride was at first out on the main midway right about in front of the big arcade. Then it was moved across from the Turnpike were the Calypso now sits.

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