Anyone else notice...

Hey no offense meant, sir. I am sure after my IT education I will become a Linux geek too!
bholcomb's avatar
Linux rules.. unless you're stuck at work at 7:35 while you're fixing a problem with it long after others have gone home :/
Pete's avatar
The ride doesn't use Linux or Windows, very likely some type of embedded operating system that is very lean and reliable, that runs on PLCs. As Dave mentioned, the user interface for various functions is most likely hosted on a Windows machine.

We have some license server software (no, not Keyserver) at work that has a version for Apple, Unix or Windows. This is most liikely representative of the programmers for each version, but it kept crashing when run on a Unix machine. Different versions and patches, and different machines, made no difference. We finally got it to run in a very stable way on a Windows 2000 Server machine. Take that all you people who hate Windows!

Florida may have Disneyworld and Key West,
but Ohio has Cedar Point and Put-In-Bay.
It's great to live in Ohio!

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