any problems with ACErs and the MF seatbelt policy?


just wondering, as some of the ACErs i've seen have been of "Exceptional size" and well, they are not exactly the most tactful people i've seen either.

i am really curious to hear if the rule was relaxed or still enforced during CoasterCon....

you know, one of those "Its easier to just let them have their way and keep them quiet" situations... *** Edited 6/28/2004 1:13:36 PM UTC by servo***

bite my shiny metal a**!!---Bender, Futurama

September 12, 2009---my 36th U2 show!



Some did. The rules and stapling was still were in place.

Carrots, handbags cheese toilets, russians, planets, hampsters, weddings, poets, Stalin, Kuala Lumpur, pygmies, budgies, Kuala Lumpur!


Chief Wahoo

Why in the world would they "relax" the rule for coaster enthusiasts? It isn't Cedar Point's rule to relax and Intamin didn't care that ACEers were there riding MF.

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney


Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar
It is of my understanding that ACE members are by their own standards suposed to be setting a better example at the parks they visit. It would be a shame, and I would be irritated, if I heard that the rules for ACErs were relaxed. I find it hard to belive that Cedar Point would do that.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube



But, I can see where servo is coming from. No, I highly doubt CP would relax the rule, but I could see them letting a few slide just to keep them quiet.


thank you seemed to get what i was asking, even though it was poorly wordedin the interest of being tactlful and unoffensive to any ACErs who might be here.

i couldnt think of a good way to put here we go.

i guess the best i can come up with is "were there many fat, annoying (and annoyed) screaming ACErs at Coastercon who got their way because they made such a big stink?"

"was the line for Park Op complaints out to the main entrance, full of "exceptionally sized" ACErs screaming that this was THEIR convention and they should be able to ride no matter what?"

that's the best i can do.

apologies to any ACErs who might be here.

bite my shiny metal a**!!---Bender, Futurama

September 12, 2009---my 36th U2 show!



ShiveringTim's avatar
I can tell you that there weren't any major hissy fits being thrown over the policy. Sure there was a lot of griping, but nothing huge. In fact, it became the butt of many jokes throughout the week.

Scott W. Short
- Proud member of the Out-Of-Town Coaster Weirdos



Shivering Tim gets the "Post of the Week MrScott Award" for that butt comment.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point


Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar
"the butt of many jokes"

Pun intended?

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube


Ladybug On Speed

I'm a member of ACE, but I don't attend their functions. Because I like to get as many coaster rides as possible, I avoid being in a park when a large group of enthusiasts are there to ride the same ride. I also like riding a coaster more than talking about it, which is so much of what ACE events are about.

I never would have assumed CP would relax their stupid rules for ACE, or any other enthusiasts group. As a matter of fact, after the Raven accident, I felt ACE members were being watched even more carefully than the general public. (I can understand that)

Anyway, did anyone who attended coastercon actually see Carol Sanderson ride MF? There was some speculation in another post about "isn't she a large woman?" Someone said no, she wasn't. But I just got my ACE quarterly magazine in todays mail. There is a photo that shows she clearly is a large woman. Not what I would have considered extremely large before CP's new definition. But looking at her thighs and gut in that photo .... they look larger than mine, and I couldn't get enough extra slack in my seatbelt. I'm just curious about if she was able to ride.



I have been a member of ACE since 1996 and attended last week's Coaster Con at Cedar Point. One of our many ERT sessions during our stay was on Millennium Force one morning from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Now in this case the early bird does in fact get the worm because I logged in 14 rides on MF during those 2 hours. That amounts to less than a nine-minute wait between laps. So, just because a large group of coaster enthusiasts happens to be at the park, that does NOT necessarily translate into long lines during ERT sessions. You're missing out on some great ERT, Ladybug On Speed, by not attending ACE events.


I wouldn't call Cedar Point's rules "Stupid".

As for "relaxing the rules" when enthusiasts are around, that is certainly NOT the case. At the various events I've been to this year, checks have been MORE stringent during ERT than during normal operating hours. Not to imply that they were lax during regular operations, but belts were definitely being pulled tighter and bars pushed more at several events.

I can't say I blame the parks, but it's a shame that it's come to this. A few people who think they "know better" than the parks have resulted in a sad state of affairs.

My Home
MF count: 69 TTD: 9


Ladybug On Speed

MForce - I'm glad you enjoy attending ACE events. I first joined ACE in 1979. And I've joined other coaster groups as well. I only attended about 6 ACE functions, many years ago, and found them to be too crowded. Sometimes ERTs were useless. Maybe things have changed. Certainly I would have enjoyed getting 14 rides on MF in 2 hrs!! (not so sure I could get up that early though.) Maybe I'll take your advice and try an event again, and see if I get that lucky too. But I'm not usually a lucky person and my patience with crowds is getting worse every year.


i went on june 21st and 22nd. i barely met the standards. i am 6 foot tall and weigh about 250. and my waist line is 38. the employees seemed like they just didnt want to deal with an angry guest to me. so they let me ride 4 times yay!!!!

i was really worried that i would drive all the way from Mississippi and be turned away



On the 21st and 22nd they DID NOT have the inch of slack rule(from atleast from what i saw).On the 21st i waited for front seat(extra 30 min. wait). In that time i saw 4 people that couldn't fit in the ride. But the thing is the ride ops tried to fasten the seatbelt for them. I was in that station both days for about of a total of an hour and saw 6 people who couldn't fit.

I logged 9 rides and 3 times ride ops fastened my seatbelt for me even though i could put it on myself.


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