Anti Rollbacks

Since it now a know fact that Millennium Force will be nearly silent going up the lift hill, does anyone know know how the anti rollback will work if there is no audible clicking as the teeth do not engage in the dogs?

I dont think you covered this Jeff but I apologize if you did. Just point me in the right direction.
ShiveringTim's avatar
I'm not too sure about how it works on MF. I'm assuming it's something close to SROS. Basically it's the opposite of the braking system. As the train moves up the hill, an electrical current is created by a fin on the lift passing thru a magnetic field on the train. This current powers some mechanism that lifts the rollback dogs thus making no sound. With MF however, there might be some sort of mecanical system with the lift sled that keeps the rollback dogs up.

Scott W. Short

I know there are going to be rollback dogs on MF infact you can see two tracks on the lift hill for the anti-rollback i don't how they are going to make it quiet.

Interestingly enough, if the rollbacks are anything like Stealth, the lift hill isn't silent in the morning when the tracks are wet. =)

All speculation aside, the basic rule for silent anti-rollbacks that use positive engagement (on Millennium Force it appears that the anti rollback will engage with the rectangular holes in the pusher track) is that there is some mechanism which lifts the safety dogs out of the engagement points (holes, sawtooth, whatever) when the ride is operating normally, but which will allow the safety dogs to reengage if something should go wrong. No telling what the actual mechanism is without looking at it, but that is the general idea.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I hear that on Stealth the silent anti-roll back works like this. As the lift is moving energy is created which keeps the anti-roll back up in the train. When the lift would stop for some reason the energy created would stop and the anti-roll back divice would drop down. I don't know if this is how it works on MF, but I hear thats how it works on Stealth.
You wouldn't hear anything. BUT if the lift stops or slows down the Anti Rollback will hook on to the track.

I am guessing that they work like an elevators anti-fall device. It is also probably on the sled. After all they would want the sled to come flying down the hill. As there is tension on the cable, the teeth are held away for the dogs. But as soon as there is no more tension on the cable the teeth wou;ld engage. There is no point to come up with some fancy electrical device when we already have a simple solution.

Jeff's avatar
While I see your point about not using a "fancy electrical device," the truth is they already used it on Superman: ROS at Darien Lake. If Scott's theory is correct, that would seem far more elegant to me. The reason I think it has little to do with the lift sled is that the I-beams for the sled go one-third of the way down the drop, sans the notches. At this point the tension would be gone, and they anti-rollback would drag down that entire section of track.

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