P.S. - Vertigo is incredible, insane, and worth every penny.
2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
*** This post was edited by LuvRaptor on 8/21/2001. ***
MF count: 20
Are you sure the word you heard wasn't "hold?"
Actually I noticed that it didn't sound "proper" when they all shouted "WHOA!". At least two of them said "WHOA!".
Not to nit-pick... just answereing a question...
Andrew Hyde
Author- Experience The Point: The Unofficial Guidebook To Cedar Point.
2001 Magnum Crew
I really should be working...
2001 Magnum Crew
..--- ...... --- ....... ---
The dotted lines is the brakes and the regular lines in the track. The dots don't mean anything I used them to get the computer to space out the dotted lines. Since there is nowhere to mount a co-dispatch button in the middle of load side(the two columns are off center) it would have to be mounted between the first and second set of brakes. But by the time car 5 comes between the first set and the second set it would be almost impossible to stop defeating the purpose of the button.
Its been over 2 weeks since I rode Magnum and I never worked any ride/roller coasters, so Matt(and anyone else) please correct me if I am wrong...
Andrew Hyde
Author- Experience The Point: The Unofficial Guidebook To The Point
*** This post was edited by Andrew on 8/30/2001. ***
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