
I wait in line forever to ride MF, and I get stuck with a lousy middle seat... I think Cedar Point should do like Six Flags Over Georgia. Last year SOFG got a new stand up coaster, and everyone wanted the front. So, they made a seperate line for it. I ride all coasters front or back, and I get a lousy middle seat. I know I'm not the only person that think the "assigned seat" absolutely SUCKS!

I rode MF one time, then what on to ride Magnum all day. I may not ever ride MF again... That little "assigned seating" rule they got going ruined my day, and probably others. They should just make seperate lines for front and back like Six Flags does.

I'm also a little upset about my trip because MF isn't what everyone built that ride up to be. I couldn't even feel that drop. Magnum, sit towards the back and your stomach gets almost ripped out. Do the same with Gemini, and your stomach almost get ripped out. On MF you really do not feel squat.

you have to be the first person i've seen who didn't like are entitled to your opinoin, certainly, and i respect that, but give it a chance, man!!! if you ride it enought imes you will eventually get the seat you want..and if you never ride it again, less person in line in front of me...
can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
Why are you complaining on here....Go to CP's Management if you have a problem, obviously!!...And you couldnt have gone on MF, because no matter where you sit, you WILL or SHOULD feel the drop
I have to think that a lot of people don't appreciate the assigned seating policy on this ride. It's very frustrating. And to think that one may have to wait multiple times in a multiple hour queue is absurd just to (by chance) get the seat you want. I hope CP mgmt. reads these posts and empathizes with guests' displeasure.
yeah, but at least we get to ride it. if it's taht important, then count off 36 people in fron of you. if there's less than that, let some go ahead of you. if there's more, hang back a bit and wait a couple extra minutes, just like you would if there was a seperate line for front? what's the big deal? CP is just trying to kepp things running smoothly on what is argualbly going to be the most popular coaster of the year(if not all time). they are probably still struggling to work out any bugs in the load/unload situation. who's to say they WON"T let you pick your seat later on in the year when things settle down in those departments? at least we got MF and not SOB. count yer blessings..i do. every day and i live in illinois(SFGAM is nothing to count your blessings over)

can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
bulldogkid... if you like Six Flags so much go to there sucky parks... CP does thing there way for a reason, I don't know why -- but alot of people go there and like it, so obviously they are doing something right. And if you have a problem with that you can go to those second rate parks instead.
Man, some of us need to learn how to accept other people's opinions and refrain from immature lashing - jeez.
While accepting other people's opinions is important, it isn't like bulldogkid's post really contained any content that is worthy of being called "justified."

It's too bad that you don't like MF, bulldogkid, but oh well. Life goes on, there's no reason to be angry because it didn't live up to your expectations. You rode it, found out you didn't like it, now deal with it. Don't ride it again. Good, shorter line for the rest of us.

As for the assigned seating, I know a lot of people dislike the policy, and I'm not saying I particularly enjoy it. However, they were having problems filling up trains because *everyone* wanted to sit in the front. And then the line for the front was clogging the actual line to get onto the platform. And what about the people who see a bunch of people waiting in line for the front and then are told they can't wait for the front because there is no room? Maybe when this coaster's popularity dies down a bit they'll change the policy, but at the beginning it sorta makes sense. I can't see where it would go so far as to actually RUIN your's called DEAL WITH IT and complain to the right people if you want to complain.

And in case you didn't notice...much like SFoG they DO have separate lines for the front and back once you get to the platform on just about every rollercoaster at Cedar Point, even MF. And none of the other coasters are assigned seating.

Do some research next time, alright? Complaints are taken much more seriously if they're justifiable.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000

Where the hell did you see a seperate line for the front on MF Backstreet girl? I didn't see one on MF, how ever I did on Raptor, and that was the only one... I don't mean just a regular seating line, I mean railings... Kind've like Raptor. MF didn't have it... They just had some chick say, "Right here". I planned on making a trip to CP and ride the front or back. Instead, I got a nice smooth swift kick right square in the ass. This isn't Disney World! They shouldn't assign seats. I think that assigned seating sucks, and thats, that... I know I'm not the only person that thinks this.
maybe you're not the only one who thinks this, but if you are going to let a little thing like that ruin your whole trip then maybe you need to re-think your priorities a little bit....

can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
Mantis had rails to wait for the front also.

i rode MF tuesday night and it was incredible! i dont know why some people dont like it but i loved it even though i was 4 seats up from the back

oh don't worry, the first hill isn't all that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddd!!!!!
servo, why do you feel the need to bring up SFGAm in almost every post you print? You made that point out to me in the past not to bring up that park on this site so why dont you do the same? If bulldogkid doesnt think MF is that great let him have his opinion. We are allowed to post things about CP that we dont like. Its not a big deal people!!!!
There is a seperate little queue for the front and back seats in the MF station...they are just not using them. If you had gone on AAA day you could have seen it.
I don't care... they still should allow people to choose their own seats. I doub't that, that line would get backed up really bad. I mean, some people don't care, they just want to ride (75% of the people most likely). Another thing, I've been reading, and not posting a lot on this board, and people go on to say MF gave them that old "dropped stomach" feeling. I hardly felt it... I would say, of all the coasters CP have, I would say:

Raptor- back seat
Man people!! Chill!! Not everyone likes the same things, not everyone looses their stomach on a certain coaster, not everyone will enjoy a certain coaster. We may not understand that, but thats why people are different. And as far as other parks.....I see no need to put them down, if your a coaster fan, you like all parks. But to each his own. :) Lets all agree to disagree and let people express their opinion, no matter what that is. Thank you and have a nice day! :)

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

i am definately with bulldog on this one. geez, we all have different feelings, and you shouldn't put down people that don't feel the same as you. more and more do i see you fellow cp-ers put down other parks. parks have feelings too you know! i don't think that you should just haul off and say...."six flags parks are sucky" "busch parks stink" "kennywood doesn't have a damned llama farm". if you have a problem, thats fine, but explain why you disliked whatever thing for whatever reason. man, bulldog didnt like it, so what. respect other people and their opinons.
-Mike *** This post was edited by punk on 5/25/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Bulldog... watch your language or take it elsewhere. I don't need that kind of crap on my site.

Anyway, the seats are first come, first serve to keep people moving, so every person can get a chance to ride. If you disagree with that, don't ride. It's strictly a capacity issue.

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