An apperance by M. Jackson called off...

Nevermind. Sorry I bothered.


Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters "Thank You Jeff Putz"

*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 9/14/2001. ***

*** This post was edited by Zero-G on 9/14/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
Confirmed by who?

Watch my grass grow:

And who cares? 



And it's Wednesday when nobody except employees would be in the park.
Hmmmmm...No, I don't think so.

www.millenniumfpics.homestead - say your goodbyes

*** This post was edited by evanjm5 on 9/14/2001. ***

evanjm5, why did you shut down your webpage? Preparing for next year's attraction?

MF count: 20

I realize this is besides the point now, but don't expect to hear from me again regarding these kinds of matters. If I'm going to get this kind of crap every time, well then it just isn't worth it. From now on I'll keep my mouth shut and have the satisfaction of knowing something most (or in this case all of CP Place) didn't know.

I realize I didn't give you many supporting facts but who needs them? Hey Let's Ride, did you consider that maybe he rented out the park? And Putergeek, maybe you're in the wrong place if you don't care, I mean we are on an unofficial Cedar Point web site, aren't we? Jeff, you have a valid question, and I'm afraid I can't go into any further details on that matter. And Evenjm5, the obvious thought that went into your post is incredible. Thanks for your feedback.

Really now, I didn't expect this on Guide To The Point.

Webmaster, Jes's Roller Coasters

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